The Tungus meteorite on-anashenski
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Really depressing picture were observed by those who moved at the end of September on road from the ferry to Hemp. Not to count number of the damaged trees. On predesigns of specialists of Novoselovsky fire fighting and chemical station was lost from hundred to one million cubic meter of the wood. − For certain all saw photos with the image of a place of falling of the Tungus meteorite, − the chief of Novoselovsky fire fighting and chemical station Cherkasov Alexander told at a recent meeting with the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Zubarev Victor. − And so at us approximately the same picture: the wood lies, roads are filled up... Amounts of works on wood cleaning huge but if not to make it till April of next year, consequences can be awful: the dry trees ignite very easily. Pine pine forest — pride of anashenets. About its destiny endures everyone. Therefore at public hearings under the chairmanship of the head of the area Gergart Alexander who passed in Hemp on November 14, indifferent were not. Updating of borders and mode of special protection of a nature sanctuary of regional value was the main subject of discussions. From the moment of its organization 30 years passed. For these years in the Russian legislation a lot of things changed. In this regard also there was a need of updating of borders and a mode of special protection of Anashensky pine forest — a unique ecosystem with a picturesque landscape, a various animal and flora. Materials on a subject of hearings were presented by the chief specialist of department of preservation of a biodiversity of regional management on especially protected natural territories Myasnikov Sergei . − Anashensky pine forest received the nature sanctuary Status in 1987, − Myasnikov Sergei informed participants of hearings, − but only in 2002 the specific mode of its protection was established: any activity involving violation of safety of a nature sanctuary is forbidden. It is a ban on movement of mechanical vehicles out of roads general use, on hunting and maintaining hunting economy in the pine forest territory, on carrying out meliorative works, a raspashka of lands, a burning out of brushwood and a dry grass, continuous and selective cabins of the wood, except for cabins for preparation of sukhostoyny, windfall and burelomny wood for own needs of the citizens living in Hemp, Taltsakh, the Black Coma, Zelenoborsk and Côme, and also for the cabin of victims and the damaged forest plantings and the cabin of care of the wood. Inhabitants of settlements of the right-bank party grieve about safety and relic pine forest and the woods adjoining to it. Here they gather mushrooms and berries, prepare firewood for the winter. One of participants of discussions Alexander Lebedev Yanovich fulfilled more than twenty years the forest warden and it as nobody else, knows in what state now is this reserved forest area. − Me one interests, − Alexander Lebedev Yanovich speaks, − that till spring the issue was resolved, and it would be possible to clean everything. Till May because at us the fire-dangerous period at all in May begins, and dates of April: everything depends on weather. If it is dry, God forbid something... pine forest will blaze. The offered conditions of a mode of protection of pine pine forest were discussed very actively. Since what time preparation of sukhostoyny and windfall wood how it can be taken out will be allowed, whether construction in the territory of a nature sanctuary of vacation spots how cleaning of sukhostoyny and burelomny wood there will be organized is possible — such questions excite inhabitants of a right bank. As a result public discussions on updating of borders and a mode of special protection of a nature sanctuary of regional value "Anashensky Pine Forest", including an assessment of impact on environment, are unanimously approved and recognized as the taken place. The developed mode will allow to provide safety of natural object as much as possible. In day of carrying out hearings in the ministry of forestry Krasnoyarsk territory made the decision on allocation of allotments in a windfall zone for preparation of firewood by the population Novoselovo district. As the deputy head of the area on operational issues Anashkin Eugenie told to participants of hearings a birch forest along roads from the ferry it is possible to take away under preparation of firewood for the population just next day: all documents for this purpose in minleskhoze are signed. But only the wood along roads, at all in especially protected territory. Pine forest can prepare windfall wood in Anashenskom only after carrying out the state examination which results will be ready not earlier than in 90 days. On windfall cleaning in the wood and in pine to pine forest year and not two will leave not, it is expected that after establishment of a mode of its special protection the situation with territory cleaning considerably will improve. Dolotova Natalia, Zatkheeva Natalia