Holiday of mothers

@Emel'janovskie vesi
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Last Friday in Recreation center for all mothers of the area congratulations and gratitude words sounded, handed over gifts. In the settlement of Yemelyanovo celebrated Day of mother.

EV Rewarding
On the eve of the kindest and light holiday in a year for kids and their mothers arranged to
photo contest works "I and my happiness", competitions the children's drawing "My Mother at Work" and children's literature "Clever books for the smallest" were developed.

Here for guests of a holiday organized consultations of experts of Social protection of the population, diagnostics and consultation Center and many others.

the Central event of action became a gala concert. In a hall there were no empty seats. Everyone came with a family.

the first deputy Glavy of the area on social policy Ganina Natalia Opened action who congratulated present mothers on a holiday and wished all a good health, wellbeing, mutual understanding and reciprocal heat from the children. Gennady Ekhnovitsky, the chief of the department joined congratulations education Bumago Natalia, the head of Social security agencies population Sokolov Leonid and others the chairman of ASSOCIATION MNOGODETNYKH SEMEY the area.

the holiday a rewarding ceremony Proceeded. The medals "Maternal Glory" are handed over to Remizov' families, in which nine children (next month the family waits addition) and Leonidov, at which eight children.

In the nomination "Large families" Letters of thanks of the Head of the area are handed over by

from Nikolskoye's village and to Oganesyan Marianna from Kubekovo's village, at which four children.

Certificates on receiving a maternity capital of regional level received families from the settlement of Yemelyanovo: Milentyev Andrey and Bumago Natalia, Chuprova

Vladislav and Silantyeva Anastasiya.

Certificates on receiving a maternity capital of federal level are handed over to

Gavrilyuk Christina, living in the settlement Solonetzic soils and to Iryakova Oksana from Chastoostrovsky's village.

In the nomination "Foster home" Letters of thanks of the Head of the area handed over

to Arkhipova Helena and Bunto Valentina.

In the nomination "Second Mother" Letters of thanks of the Head of the area received

the inspector of ODN the police captain Kameneva Natalia; elementary school teacher of Emelyanovsky school No. 1 Andreeva Helena; specialist in social work COMPLEX CENTER SOTSIALNOGO OBSLUZHIVANIYA Selezneva Svetlana.

Diplomas and mementoes marked out winners of the competitions held on the eve of a holiday, "I and my happiness" and "My mother at work".

In breaks between rewardings from a scene for mothers the vocal and dancing congratulations prepared by children's creative staff of Recreation center sounded.

Silantyeva Anastasiya

Natalia Ganina
Last position: Head (Administration of the Yemeliyanovo district)
Bumago Natalia
Sokolov Leonid
Mingalieva Helena
Oganesyan Marianna
Culture center
Social security agencies population