China denies the influence on political crisis to Zimbabwe

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the Review of publications for November, 2017

on November 6, 2017 93-year-old then still the incumbent president Zimbabwe Robert Gabriel Mugabe dismissed the vice-president of the country Emmerson Mnangagvu in connection with "discrepancy of a post". Mnangagva — one of members of national liberation movement Zimbabwe, battling to colonialists "shoulder to shoulder" about Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Therefore on an extent of all existence Zimbabwe as the independent state, since 1980, Mnangagva held leading ministerial posts and the Zimbabwean African national union — the Patriotic front (ZANU-PF) had a great influence in ruling party. Since 2014 it was in a position of the vice-president and was considered as future successor Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

However Mnangagva's political opponent the 52-year-old first lady Zimbabwe acted as Mugabe Grace , which, according to some sources, and promoted resignation Mnangagva, having convinced the spouse that that plans revolution. Mnangagva it was compelled to leave the country. On November 14 the commander-in-chief of armed forces Zimbabwe acted as Constantino Chivenga's with charge Robert Gabriel Mugabe in political cleanings and stability violation. Military occupied part of governmental buildings to Harar, the president and his family were placed under house arrest.

on November 19 Mugabe Grace addressed to the nation, but resignation expected by all did not mention. Then, on Tuesday, November 21, the parliament passed the decision on impeachment to the president. On November 22 Robert Gabriel Mugabe declared the to resignation. On a post of the president Emmerson Mnangagva which returned on the same day to Zimbabwe from South Africa was approved by . Inhabitants Harar exult. On November 24 Mnangagva took the oath and declared that will promote establishment in the country of democracy and will open doors of the foreign help.

Flag of Zimbabwe
of Harvey Barrison

a Row of mass media finds

where met the chief of the General Staff China Li Tszochen . China as official representatives declared more than once Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China, is interested in preservation of stability and continuity of a political policy Zimbabwe and as Mnangagva, though is younger Robert Gabriel Mugabe, but nevertheless belongs to "old guard", a radical change of course just is not expected. Besides, coming to power of Mnangagva and his statement for a greeting of foreign investments also play into the hands of Beijing: it will be able to expand even more here the economic presence, especially in the sphere of the mining industry.

In this regard in the past month the considerable part of materials of the Chinese mass media was devoted by

to the analysis of political crisis to Zimbabwe.

on November 22 in Beijing there took place press conference Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China on which the official representative of the ministry Shuan Gen answered questions of journalists apropos resignations Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Shuan Gen made a curtsey towards Mugabe Grace, having noted that Beijing respects its decision on resignation, but will remember always at the same time the period of its board as the most fruitful for developments the Chinese-Zimbabwean relations. It also expressed confidence of that, as at the new president cooperation China and Zimbabwe will extend only. One of journalists reminded that, for example, United States of America and United Kingdom hoped that the new president will be elected as a result of free and fair general election, but it did not occur. The question, what position China followed. Shuan Gen answered that China adheres to the principle of non-interference to domestic policy of other countries .

the Portal of "Vanji" Lin Suntyanem concerning so-called "the Chinese trace" power changes to Zimbabwe placed interview to the ambassador China to South Africa . After the official representative the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lu Kann , Lin confirms that visit of the general Chivengi to Beijing was planned long before the specified events and approved as the president Robert Gabriel Mugabe. China always adhered to the principle of respect of the state sovereignty of other countries. Assumptions that Beijing was informed on preparing revolution and even authorized it, stated by some western SMI,<"73>" no more than vapoury conjectures with the purpose to bring dissonance in the Chinese-African cooperation and to discredit an image China on the international scene.

The People's Republic of China on the African continent
of Macauhub

In the analytical comment on "Xing's" portal are analyzed by

Robert Gabriel Mugabe was only time business — not so much because it dismissed popular among military and in the people Mnangagva, how many because of its failure course which poured out in economic collapse in scales of all country. Secondly, "Xing" writes that at all this to crisis did not allow to extend for a framework of political tops of the country and to lead to bloodshed among simple people. It occurred thanks to unambiguously constructive role of army, and also the timely decision Robert Gabriel Mugabe about resignation. Thirdly, change of the power will not be reflected in the Chinese-Zimbabwean relations in any way, or even will promote their improvement as Mnangagva — the bright representative of "experts on China", in the 1960th years he studied in Beijing and Nanjing. Therefore at it between the countries there should not be a misunderstanding .

One more comment Van Hunji , the specialist of the Center placed on the same portal West Asia and Africa Academies of social sciences China. He notes that with leaving Mugabe Afrik, at last, put the end to long history of anti-colonial fight as it was the last of leaders of the national liberation movement, still being in power. Van Hunji is sure that now the continent finally will join in a world production chain, will attract more actively foreign investments and technologies. The era of revolutionary fight, opposition with the West and compulsory equalizing of the income will consign to the past. Besides, in the comment it is said that if earlier power change in Mugabe Afrik always associated with armed conflicts and human victims which occurred in connection with army intervention, an outcome of political crisis to Zimbabwe, probably, will promote revision of definition of "military coup" in more positive side — so peace, the civilized and arranging all sectors of society transition of the power were provided by army of the country .

In a material on an English-speaking site Global Times also are claimed that army actions under supervision of the general Chivengi cannot be considered illegal as they corresponded to will of overwhelming part of the population Zimbabwe, and therefore did not lead to human victims and losses. And for this reason and the international community the occurred events a military coup did not hurry to declare African Union were uninterested. However at it as approves Global Times, is not present political experience, even relative support among the population, necessary for power deduction in the hands because Mugabe Grace it was always known for the scandalous behavior and a wasteful way of life.

Nevertheless on an official portal of the party newspaper Newspaper "Zhenmin zhibao" on-line is told that in the country not everything is so unambiguous, and Emmerson Mnangagve as to the president should face serious calls. The matter is that the army, ruling party of ZANU-PF and Opposition party Zimbabwe "Movement for democratic changes" united only for short term and for the only purpose — discharge Mugabe Afrik from the power. In process of approach of presidential election which are planned for summer of 2018, their contradictions will become aggravated only, considering that at ruling and oppositional parties very different views on a way of developments the countries. The hardest situation in national economy which hardly will manage to be overcome less than in a year becomes the soil for political friction: enormous deficiency of gross domestic product , unemployment at the level of 90%, crisis of national currency and ruin in agriculture.
