Yunus-bek Yevkurov: Day of mother, one more opportunity to thank the main person in our life for huge love and care

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Meeting of Chapter Republic of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov and women of the republic passed in an informal situation behind a cup of tea in a winter garden of the residence.
Lyayla Amerkhanova, "The hero of work Russian Federation" Bogatyreva Marem, mother Timurziyev's Timurziev Islam – the champion Europe, the prize-winner of the world champion - Hyadi Timurziev Islam, the housewife who has brought up 14 children - Perdovs Saynaroyeva, mother Khalmurzaev Hassan – the Olympic champion, the bronze prize-winner of the World Cup-2017 of the vice-chairman of WATERS "Mothers of Russia" Badtieva Catherina, the chairman of regional office of WATERS "Mothers of Russia". Khalmurzaev Khusen - Hadishat Pliyeva, mother Nalgiev Ruslan, the Hero of the Russian Federation - Nalgieva Hawa and many others.

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Opening a meeting, the head of the region noted that Day of mother, one more opportunity to thank the main person in our life for huge love and care which disinterestedly mothers give to the children.
"Everything that is connected with mother, sacredly and is unusually expensive to each person. Therefore our holiday, urged to draw attention of society to motherhood problems is founded, to revive a good tradition of honoring of female mother", - underlined Chapters Republic of Ingushetia.
He told that women carefully storing continuity of generations, combine both traditional family, and unique individual and valuable qualities.
Today in our republic, as well as as a whole over the country, women have all necessary conditions for personal, professional and creative self-realization.

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"Our female mothers who work in the most various spheres, take active part in public life. Thus always and everywhere they are a striking example of the responsible relation to business, initiative and professionalism. I am convinced by br that today there is no task more important, than protection of motherhood and the childhood. This day I want to wish to all mothers of health, happiness and long years of life", - Yunus-bek Yevkurov told.
the Chairman Verkhovnogo of Vessels addressed To the present the republics Fargiev Ibrahim who also in the person of present, congratulated all women – mothers. "Thank you, dear mothers and grandmothers, for your patience and sincere generosity", - Fargiev Ibrahim summarized.
Arrived to celebration of Day of mother the vice-chairman of WATERS "Mothers of Russia" Badtieva Catherina, also noted a huge role in education of the person. "Me very much pleases that to Republic of Ingushetia so validly treat the mothers. I want to thank the leaders of the republic for support and construction of the first avenue devoted to mother", - Badtieva Catherina summed up.
the Meeting lasted more than two hours, the Head of the region expressed to all women gratitude for big work, patience and boundless love of children. "Each of us knows that, how many years would be executed to the daughter or the son, mothers always worry and care of the child" — Yunus-bek Yevkurov concluded. at the end of a meeting to all participants of festive action flowers and mementoes were handed over to br.

Source: Press service of Head of RI

Yunus-bek Yevkurov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)
Lyayla Amerkhanova
Badtieva Catherina
Bogatyreva Marem
Timurziev Islam