To Primorsky territory carried out field works on places of plane crashes of 1939

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On the accident site were found fragments of a design of planes and parachute buckles of members of one of crews

by DSC_0041.JPG of the Photo: Search association "Aviapoisk"

Vladivostok, Primorye24 news agency. Field works on places of plane crashes of 1939 participants of the association "Aviapoisk" of Seaside office "Search movement carried out Russian Federation".

the Search association "Aviapoisk" near the village Lyalichi Mikhaylovsky rayon Primorsky territory were carried out by

of work on the accident site of two R-10 planes from the 1st aviasquadron of the 8th assault aviaregiment of the 53rd air brigade of the 1st Special army Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner.

of the Car faced over the range during planned flight on November 21, 1939. The left conducted pilot during evolution in air at the height of 4000 meters hit with the left console part of the wing on the right wing right conducted owing to what there was a destruction of planes in air, and at blow about the earth crews as a part of the pilot of the second lieutenant Kulbachenko Grigory , letnaba the senior lieutenant Kotelov Nicholas and the pilot of the second lieutenant Sukhanov Nicholas Ivanovich with letnaby the lieutenant Zakharchenko Alexander were lost.

"The purpose of search works was to understand, whether bodies of crew members right after accident were raised, or remained to lie in a bog as, for example, it was with the shooter of the Pe-2 plane found by us recently, - the commander of "Aviapoisk" Livansky Jaroslaw noted, - The matter is that in the emergency act on this accident there were no mentions of extraction of pilots from fragments and their subsequent burial. And at such nature of falling quite often remains cannot be got at once".

by means of the heavy excavator searchers cleared away the funnels formed at falling of planes, and went deep to 3 meters. As a result of laborious search on the accident site fragments of a design of planes and parachute buckles of members of one of crews, and also fragments of the torn-off fastened belts were found. Some subjects were transferred at once to the school museum of the village Lyalichi as one of the main objectives of carrying out search work in this area were youth involvement in activities for perpetuating of memory of the lost soldiers and gradual training of young searchers. And in this case school students Mikhaylovsky rayon actively joined in process, working at a place on an equal basis with adult participants of search. And other children who could not take part, will be able to see fragments lost many decades back the Soviet aircraft equipment at museum stands. Installation of a memorable sign becomes finishing result of perpetuating of memory of crews.

Active support when carrying out search works rendered the head of administration of the Mikhaylovsky municipal area Arkhipov Vladimir, the chief engineer of a razrezoupravleniye "Novoshakhtinsk" Dyakonov Andrey, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AVIALIFT VLADIVOSTOK", not indifferent inhabitants of the village Lyalichi, school students and teachers local shkoly.

Kulbachenko Grigory
Sukhanov Nicholas Ivanovich
Zakharchenko Alexander
Livansky Jaroslaw
Arkhipov Vladimir