Transport and driving have to be on the five

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To refresh knowledge of traffic regulations never late, to receive state services in the sphere transports – never difficult

Only one of five acting drivers could pass examination in rules of traffic, showed results competitions on knowledge of traffic regulations, carried out by a portal" Dr ".

More than 20 thousand people from 84 regions of the country again "passed" oral examination for drivers of the category "B" - on the same conditions what are established for driving schools. As a result of only 20% of participants competitions coped with this task." A large number of the drivers who have not passed examination, have an average experience of driving from 3 to 9 years", - organizers told competitions. The same, whose experience of driving of the car exceeds two years, were more successful.

the Winner competitions became the autolady from gorod Mirny Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, managed to give 20 correct answers in only 33 seconds. As a whole, the good results drivers from Primorsky territory showed, the lowest - from Saratov region, Sakhalin region and Magadan region.

to be the successful driver and perfectly to pass examinations at receipt, Russian Federation is enough to address to to a portal of state services. On the main page of an Internet resource you can pass into the category " Receiving right for management of the vehicle " where the list of thematic services is placed.

: the Portal of state services

If you use other subsection – " Categories of services ", and there will choose the category " Transport and driving ", to you will open not only the list of the most popular thematic services, but also what are provided by directly republican bodies. Among them: Ministry work and social development Republic of Dagestan with services appointments and payments to separate categories of disabled people from among veterans of monetary compensation on operational costs of motor transport , appointments and payments to disabled people of compensations of insurance premiums under contracts obligatory insurance of a civil liability of owners of vehicles , RD Mintransenergosvyaz with delivery of permission to a taxi , Inspection State inspection Republic of Dagestan on supervision for Tekhnichesky condition of self-propelled cars and other types of equipment with registration of tractors, self-propelled road-building and other cars and trailers to them , certification of the tractor operator-driver (tractor operator) , DAGESTANAUTODOR with possibility of coordination and the approval of passports of routes in the intersubject message .