The Ministry of Finance wants to establish minimum prices of all alcohol
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of THRESHING BARNS of SAKHAPRESS.RU the Ministry of Finance is going to control the alcoholic market even more rigidly.

For a start department plans to regulate the prices not only of vodka, other strong alcohol, wine and champagne, but also on other strong drinks — it can be beer, liqueurs, cider and other, reports .

With the offer to make changes to the list of goods, the prices on which are regulated by the state, department already addressed in the government. About this Layfu told in the press service of the Ministry of Finance.

It is supposed

that first of all the minimum retail prices will establish on the wine aerated drinks. This alcohol is on sale in wine bottles with colourful labels, and many buyers are sure that they buy champagne. But actually it not so — in wine drink in structure preservatives, amplifiers of taste and alcohol, instead of grape juice, as in classical wine most often meet.

As are written by the Ministry of Finance as this, in fact, the chemistry, many unfair sellers give out for the real champagne or wine, buyers are misled. They are conducted including on the price — alcoholic aerated water is cheaper, than the real champagne. Now minimum price of sparkling wine — 164 rubles. Wine drinks meet in shops and for 100 rubles, and for 80.

A the market of qualitative drinks — according to the Ministry of Finance suffers from it, production champagne for the last year decreased by 16%, and production wine drinks grew by 38%.

If could establish minimum price and of wine drinks (it would be, naturally, above, than now), sellers of the real wine and champagne would not be among lagging behind in the alcohol market, consider in the Ministry of Finance.

That will change

In our country of the price of all strong alcohol (fortress higher than 28 degrees), ethyl alcohol, and also on wine and champagne establishes the state. It is stated in the special list of goods and services, the prices on which are regulated by the government.

As at us are regulated by the prices of alcohol? Establish the minimum cost at which goods will release from plant, to sell wholesale and retail. For example, now vodka cannot be sold in shops cheaper than 205 rubles.

— the Limited circle of production... does not allow to realize fully policy Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation regarding increase of efficiency of state regulation and the competition in the alcoholic market Russian Federation, and also a package of measures on fight against illegal and counterfeit production in the alcoholic market — told Layfu in the press service of the Ministry of Finance.

Such idea supported in the Ministry of Economic Development. The press secretary of department Elena Lashkina confirmed that changes can be really made to the list — the corresponding draft of the resolution now at a coordination stage.


Alcohol in echinoid mittens

according to the director of the Center of researches federal and the regional markets of alcohol (TsIFRRA) Vadim Drobiz to expand the list of alcoholic beverages the prices on which will regulate the Ministry of Finance, it is possible and even it is necessary. In our country minimum price of alcohol — it "a threshold of legality of production", was specified by the expert.

according to the expert if ideas of the Ministry of Finance are realized, it will allow to control the alcohol market better.

— Minimum price — quite market mechanism, what fairy tales would not tell

. It now enter, for example, into Scotland, to United Kingdom already it is. And anywhere it does not disturb economy. The different aims are thus pursued — to make production more expensive, but it not at us, and in those countries, where a little illegal alcohol. At them minimum prices do rather high, but there it do to reduce availability of alcohol — he told.

Earlier Layf told

, how many beer, wine, vodka and cognac Russians drink. According to the Unified State Automated Information System, from January to May, 2017 to Russian Federation on the average our citizens (inhabitants of the cities are considered) drank 2,4 liters of vodka and 300 grams of cognac. It means that the average Russian who lives in the city, in a month drank about 400 grams of vodka (slightly less bottle) and 60 grams of cognac — about three shot glasses.

As for wine, on the average our citizens in five months of this year drank 1,6 liters per capita. It turns out — in a month the average Russian drank 10 glasses of wine.

Rykov Alexander

Elena Lashkina
Main activity:Field expert
Vadim Drobiz
Last position: Director of the Center of researches federal and regional markets of TsIFRRA alcohol
Rykov Alexander