respublika Altay among the best regions on preparation for winter

@GTRK Gornyj Altaj
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23gl gkx Moreover, in Siberia we the only subject where all municipal educations received readiness passports. The envoy of the President reported about it to Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyaylo the day before during video meeting on a question of passing of the autumn and winter period.

the Envoy of the president in Siberia Sergei Menyaylo during video meeting scarified regions for quality of preparation for a heating season and urged to approach more carefully to it to avoid an emergency. The term of a preparatory work already expired on November 15th, and readiness passports while received only 60% of MO. And the only region where all municipalities received readiness passports, respublika Altay is.

Veselov Dimitri, HEAD of the SIBERIAN MANAGEMENT of ROSTEKHNADZOR: "As you already correctly noticed, the only region which passed absolute certification is RA. All 11 municipalities received readiness passports".

Earlier given information was sounded by

and at the All-Russian selector meeting. By data Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation RA, during the heating period of 17-18 were prepared for work boiler, thermal and water supply systems, readiness of power economy is provided, excess stocks of fuel are created. Works on preparation of objects of life support to the forthcoming cold weather were carried out at the expense of means of the enterprises of Household management company, republican and local budgets. In total 87,6 million rubles are spent for these purposes. To municipalities from budgets the republics more than 23 million rubles were allocated for carrying out capital repairs in addition.

Berdnikov Alexander: "Envoy of the President in Siberia Sergei Menyaylo, objects of the social sphere to a heating season during the difficult Siberian autumn and winter period of 2017-18 were summed up. I here, without being praised, I can tell is it was sounded to all Siberia that the only region which completely executed the program of preparation is RA. Certainly, it is pleasant, but it does not grant to us the right to relax or fall into any euphoria. We really seriously worked, at all complexity of ours budgets directed considerable financial resources to resolve all difficult places, those zones of risk where something could shoot. We have 150% of an excess stock of coal in all regions of RA, on all objects of the social sphere. 100% we stocked up with fuel oil for the 30-day period, it in the settlement Aktash. On each boiler room we have reserve sources of power supply on a case of force majeure circumstances, there is a stock of fuel, fuels and lubricants for operation of diesel generators are sacred things. We always think of it. The repair and emergency stock of the technical equipment is created: pumps, pipes, etc. And in combat readiness always there are mobile sources power supply on the chassis of cars and repair and recovery crews from among experts whom we trained and which can interfere at any time, a situation. We perfectly understand that we live not to Sochi, we live in Siberia. Today practically complaints from the population on a thermal mode do not arrive. We in due time pay for the put energy resources, including gas, we have no arrears, i.e. we work, ezhedekadno we hear heads of MO, we have the finger on the pulse. Therefore I assure the fellow countrymen, inhabitants of RA that authorities in this plan tensely and responsibly work. If there are any problems as I told, with a temperature mode, with water supply, water disposal, address, directly it is possible to me in the first reception. We will accept in due time response measures".

the Heating season in Siberia already began

, however in a number of subjects there were problems, in particular, because of the late beginning of preparation for winter. In some Siberian regions the intense situation when passing otop.sezona remains for several years. Sergei Menyaylo emphasized that it is not admissible and reminded heads of regions of responsibility. Especially important, the envoy accented, to provide with a heat supply social establishments and deliveries fuels to the remote settlements.

Berdnikov Alexander reported that for elimination of possible emergencies during the autumn and winter period at all enterprises of Household management company the republics are created stocks of material resources, emergency crews are created. As a whole, preparation for winter annually is on personal control heads of the region. And over the last 10 years the heating season passed in the republic without failures.

Poposhev Vladimir