The Lithuanian Kretinga fights against a flood: people take out water from houses buckets

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The Lithuanian city of Kretinga fights against a flood: people take out water from houses buckets
© information portal "DELFI" / Rita Geèiûnaitë

the River to Dana flooded banks, in it the waters from outside Kretinga are born by Akmyana. In Kretinga practically on all houses costing at the river Akmene, flooding traces are visible. The attention was drawn by the elderly woman who buckets took out water from the house. As it appeared, in Kretinga it should be done to many inhabitants.

of the Lime which lives in Kretinga for a long time, told that after the water level in the river rose, there arrived the head, took a picture from a hill and told that a big problem does not see. And it with the elderly mother-in-law and the son also takes out today buckets water from the house.

"I woke up in the morning, lowered feet from a bed and got directly to a pool — Laima told, having noticed that all family began to rescue that is possible, to lift the refrigerator, furniture and so forth is higher. — When such not the first time, it is not so terrible any more, but it is all the same unpleasant. Houses — waters about 25 cm".

according to Laima, such shock as for the first time when the house flooded, any more was not. For the first time at all did not know what to do. The elderly woman who buckets took out water from the house, told that this hard occupation, but it is necessary to clean somehow water from the house. For the night the family left to relatives as the water level rose, and it did not make sense to fight against it. On Tuesday they came back home and accepted for good reason.

Loreta who lodged recently on other party of the river, told that water did not reach their house, but the yard is flooded. And here to neighbors any time was necessary to do without elektritestvo. At Loreta's neighbors it became clear that water flooded a cellar to a ceiling, and the oven is equipped in a cellar therefore people cannot heat the house.

"It is good still that is now not really cold, but it is necessary to dry the house, the oven is necessary. Waters was to door top, inside — to the ceiling. We lower water in sewerage, we will try somehow an oven to put in order. When the flood threatened, did not sleep all night long, but there is no place to run" — Regina told.

People who faced a flood not for the first time, noticed that now it was sudden. Also comes to an end also quickly. Still there was already one dangerous flood — when on Akmene broke through a dam, then people were afraid even for the life, it was in the summer, whether in 2003, whether in 2004.

the Head of Kretinga Yuknyavichyus Stanislovas told that a huge problem after that flood does not see as such happens several times a year. Even this year, according to him, it not the most serious flood. Fortunately, inhabitants of houses at the river insure the property, they perfectly understand where live.

"Every year approximately in August and before Christmas there are floods. This time it did not threaten life of people though the property and is damaged. This time waters on streets was a little. I go to people, I ask what the help is necessary to them. I spoke with one family which takes out water from the house buckets, I do not know, than to help them, the river after all will not pump over" — Yuknyavichyus Stanislovas told information portal "DELFI".

the Head recommends to inhabitants to watch information on a starostvo site where there is all timely information on danger of natural disasters, it will help them to be prepared for danger.

Yuknyavichyus Stanislovas