Passed a boundary in polmilliarda22 November, 2017

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Today at meeting of committee on affairs of the North and the indigenous small people (the chairman Amosov Anatoly ) deputies considered the project regional budgets for 2018 and planning period of 2019 — 2020 in the second reading.

of the Acting Deputy Prime Minister — the minister of finance Bakhar Vladimir reminded that by results of discussion of the draft of the budget in the first reading Government of Krasnoyarsk territory made the amendment, having increased expenses for 2018 in the sum of 1,3 billion rubles. These means to the second reading will be distributed on the solution of those problems which were designated by profile committees.

As for the directions of maintaining "northern" committee, the government agreed with proposals of deputies. It is a question of two questions. By 22 million rubles social payments will annually increase by installation of fast-built houses to the persons leading a traditional life. The offer on allocation of 5 million rubles on scientific researches of modern problems of the indigenous small people is also supported.

At discussion of the draft of the budget to the second reading the vice-chairman of committee Vengo Valery brought up a question of execution of an order of the governor of edge on increase in financings mobile mobile services on rendering state services. Vengo Valery Holmovich gave examples of scandalous bureaucracy when the inhabitant of the settlement the Sock for participation in grant projects sent behind the certificate of lack of debts on taxes from Dudinka to Yemelyanovo. "Eight months passed — and any movement! " — the deputy stated. Bakhar Vladimir assured that financing the directions on creation of mobile mobile services is increased, and promised to deal with this problem.

the Committee made the decision to support the project regional budgets in the second reading.

Deputies also considered offers on modification of the resolution Government of Krasnoyarsk territory of 30.09.2013 No. 520-p "About the statement of a state program Krasnoyarsk territory "Preservation and development a traditional way of life and economic activity of the indigenous small people Krasnoyarsk territory". Essence of changes — extension of action of the program for 2020, and also modification of the list of target indicators in response to comments of Audit Chamber of edge.

the Head of agency on development northern territories and support of the indigenous small people Krasnoyarsk territory Antonenko Gennady in detail told

about the main expenses of the program for 2018, having noted that its volume of financings increased by 66,6 million rubles. At program discussion deputies stated a number of offers on its improvement.

Amosov Anatoly, summing up the results of consideration of a question, with satisfaction noted: "I understand that we passed a boundary of expenses according to this program in half a billion rubles annually (more precisely, 548 million rubles). In 2017 they made 490 million. At a today's financial situation which developed in the region, at deficiency budgets we kept the main directions of support and even added on them means a little, a lot of things considered. Half a billion on 16 thousand of indigenous people — it is normal, it is really good program. It is necessary effectively and to use competently these means".

Deputies also formulated recommendations Government of Krasnoyarsk territory for their inclusion in the draft of the resolution of Legislative Assembly in connection with acceptance budgets. The committee suggested to provide in 2018:

  • construction in the Evenki municipal area of schools in the village of Vanavar and school with a hostel in the item Tura, the 24-apartment house in the item Tura (for resettlement of citizens from a shabby and hazardous dwelling), the second turn of regional hospital in the village of Vanavar;
  • construction in the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal area of the building of Recreation center in the item Tukhard; buildings of medical assistant's and obstetric points in rural settlements of Popigai and Potapovo;
  • financing the organizations of trading stations in places of a pasture and on routes of movement of herds of domestic reindeers.

Vladimir Bakhar
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Finance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory)
Gennady Antonenko
Amosov Anatoly
Vengo Valery