At the Turkmen oil refinery production of high-octane gasoline is adjusted

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Ashgabat. About 100 thousand tons of high-octane automobile fuel were let out after reconstruction by oil refinery in Sadie's Seydi in the east of the country. The project company realized Westport Trading Europe Limited (United States of America).

started Recently the LCh-35-11/1000 catalytic reforming unit intended for receiving a high-octane component, used in production automobile gasolines. Its power – 500 thousand tons of gasoline a year.

Since the beginning of year at Seydinsky plant processed over 485 thousand tons of hydrocarbonic raw materials that is nearly 13% more than the plan. Release of main types of production - extraction and straight-run gasolines increased.

At the enterprise the combined atmospheric and vacuum installation with a preliminary obessolivaniye of oil and redistillation of gasolines functions.

Oil and gas condensate arrive from fields to Yashyldepa, Bakharla, Yylakla, Mydar and Soltanbent, reports Trend.