The young Ingush scientist in Kazakhstan submits new heights

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Science — is the sphere which does not know neither borders, nor the states

Gazdieva Bella

Gazdieva Bella : "Today I, the daughter of victims of political repression and the deported Ingushs, have the equal rights and opportunities with all other inhabitants Kazakhstan. I studied on a grant at university, postgraduate study. I cannot speak for all, but for myself I will tell that I never faced oppressions or speculation on my nationality".

Begun the labor way as the laboratory assistant of chair of Russian and literature, Gazdieva Bella from the first course of students dreamed to pursue science. Therefore, whenever possible, it did not pass any case for participation in scientific projects and competitions. In a stream of various events Gazdieva Bella understood that the world of science has no borders, and each person can realize wholly himself here.

B 1999 on the basis of a humanitarian gymnasium Gazdieva Bella arrives on philological faculty of Kokshetausky state university of Sh. Ualikhanov and with honors ends it.

the Next two years works as the senior teacher of chair of the Russian philology, and in 2011 is entitled associated professor (associate professor). In this rank Gazdieva Bella starts directing service of the international cooperation native university. Under the certificate of many colleagues and higher education institution administration, during this time the university came to leading positions among the Kazakhstan educational institutions on development the academic mobility.


Soon for big merits to Gazdieva Bella are appointed by the director of the department of developments by the highest educations MON <8> Information and analysis center of the Republic of Kazakhstan .

B 2012 Gazdieva Bella takes part in development "The strategic plan of developments the academic mobility for 2012-2015" as a part of the working group at MAUN RK. The same year she becomes the member of the working group of Ministry science and education of Republic of Kazakhstan on preparation of the report on introduction of parameters of Bologna Process in Kazakhstan.

Together with colleagues from Brunel's London university (United Kingdom) works on development of two very serious programs: "Management in education" and "Innovative pedagogical technologies" for participation in competition on award of an honourable grant "Bolashak".

Should be noted what exactly from easy giving Gazdieva B. for the first time for the 50-year history this higher education institution, with participation of our compatriot, attracted students from United States of America within developments entering mobility, despite that fact that higher education institutions Kazakhstan experience big difficulties on involvement of foreign students.

By this time Gazdieva Bella already was the scholar of the presidential Bolashak program (United Kingdom, Brunel's University Brunelya) and the owner of a grant "Erasmus" (Engineering school of Nantes) where within three months it trained. In addition, Gazdieva Bella systematically increases the qualification at universities United Kingdom, United States of America, Denmark, Finland and Russian Federation. As a result, in 2013 she becomes the best young teacher of REGIONAL STATE INSTITUTION of Sh. Ualikhanov.

The same year the report scientific Gazdieva B., presented together with the colleague from Brunel's university, on the subject "Harmonization of Educational Standards according to Internationalization of the Highest Educations" at annual scientific conference in Qatar was recognized as the best in the Humanities direction among 1175 demands.


If to speak about especially business side of our heroine, it is possible to tell with confidence that Gazdieva Bella is the talented scientist. In its scientific moneybox many interesting projects and works are registered. Despite young age, it already published about fifty articles on various subjects, four monographs, two books and three manuals. Plus to it, she is the owner of two copyright certificates which can make by it good prospect on the future.

For years of work in higher education institution Gazdieva Bella actively combined occupations by science with work on a subject of the Kazakh diaspora in Europe. It is no secret that in recent years call of ancestors from the remote past which is directly connected with universal resettlement of the Ingush people to Kazakhstan and Middle Asia, became subject discussion for many public figures, scientists and politicians Kazakhstan to the Ingush nationality. Among them a worthy place takes and Gazdieva Bella who brings a certain contribution in common cause of Vainakhs in Kazakhstan.

Should tell that today result of the big laborious work done by this woman, the monographs published by it and reference books, and also numerous contacts with representatives of the diaspora, come into by Gazdieva Bella for continuation of the bilateral relations are.

for anybody not a secret that the subject of deportation is equally "sick" for all Ingushs and the Chechens who have been torn off from the native places, and sent to Siberia in February, 1944. Therefore, considering the belonging to this number of people, Gazdieva B. as the chairman of the scientific and analytical center of Akmolinsky assembly of the people Kazakhstan, considered a duty to publish materials for representation them at the international and republican conferences. To number of the most essential and important subjects presented by the author, such materials, as "National culture, traditions and the language identity of Ingushs in the conditions of globalization", "The Ingush language in Kazakhstan belong: to history of its origin", "Functioning of language of the Ingush diaspora in Kazakhstan" and so on.

Great value in the works professor Gazdiev B. gives

to materials which concern activity of the Ingush diaspora in Kazakhstan. In them it gives strategy of developments the Ingush language in a context of the state language policy of Kazakhstan.

Need to be noted also that Gazdieva Bella tries to promote day by day actively integration sciences, businesses and local government. So, together with scientists Nursultan Nazarbayev university, KAZATU of S. Seyfullin and some other higher education institutions she participates in development and deployment of scientific projects, training of undergraduates and doctoral candidates.

it is unexpected for all in December, 2015 the young scientist, the teacher of Kokshetausky state university Gazdieva Bella made abrupt turn in career and the Homeland of the Tselinograd area Akmola Region headed the rural district.


— When me suggested to become Akim of the rural district, I became puzzled and thought that it at least absurdity — is told by Gazdieva Bella . — I, the scientist, the associate professor, the invited researcher of university Brunelya. And how here it was possible to wedge such position which is responsible for village life? What between them the general? And whether I will consult in general? ! Such questions in my head turned a great lot. But, having calmed down, I after all decided to go there, looked at the Homeland, and it appeared that this very known and perspective village. Before, to the shame, I knew nothing about it. Thought and solved to accept this call.

They say that changes always arrive on time

. Today, judging by words of our heroine, she with pleasure goes for work because feels that in her life there came the statics moment. Especially as in the village its Homeland questions of animal husbandry, the social sphere, communication with the district police officer etc.

wait every day for

— I small steps build that is very important for people — Gazdieva Bella speaks. — It is a work site where each your action or inaction get an instant response, and each decision receives a national assessment. In a word, it is possible to tell that this position as the textbook without ready answers at the end!

— Though some people, unfortunately, can have a wrong opinion that the Homeland — is the best district and therefore Akim of this village sits for days on end in a chair and does nothing! But it not so. It would seem, very simple life situations develop in the village, but each time you are afraid to be mistaken, besides you have nobody to call and ask how to arrive — Gazdieva Bella complains. — You have to itself, because you — Akim. Also I constantly think, as though to improve living conditions, a life of villagers. Here, for example, recently we started developing the project on rendering the most demanded services to villagers on a place that they for this purpose had not to go to the regional center and to spend the expensive time.

by words Gazdieva B., on this post she wants to realize most that there are ambitious tasks. — Me as, for example, it was pleasant to linguist to hear from lips of the president of the country at session of Academy of Sciences Kazakhstan in which I too took part, about importance of a multilingualism — Gazdieva Bella admits to

. — In my opinion, it is very timely initiative, after all still nobody became poorer from that learned one more language. And I see the task in advancing this reform in the village the Homeland that at our school introduced a multilingualism.


As Gazdieva Bella claims, mentality at them in Kazakhstan such that if you know a foreign language, to you there will be even more preferences, than to the Kazakh!

— Somehow had to become me the witness to dialogue of the two students — Gazdieva Bella tells. — One speaks to another: "I — not the Kazakh therefore it is sure that in this country of anything "do not shine me". And another answers it: "If you — the good person and the professional in the business, to anybody and never are affairs to your nationality". I want to tell that I completely agree with it. Agree, we to the good doctor try to get when are sick, without remembering his nationality. Or we choose more tasty candy store! Therefore I consider that all conversations on this subject — it is only cheap way to cover the insolvency, inaction or a dissatisfaction.

during our conversation by phone, young rural Akim of not less important called a task of introduction the broadband Internet in the village. It appears, inhabitants of the Homeland asked more than once this question to the head on descents and meetings.

Possessing a wide experience of team and independent work, the manager Gazdiev B. directs today all the forces to that people began to live better, and for this purpose finds new opportunities for increase of infrastructure of the village as a whole. And if to speak more specifically, in one and a half years of work as the head of the rural settlement for increase of level of education on places at the initiative of Gazdieva B. at rural school the career and employment Center was open, and also the memorandum is signed with Bolashak association about mutual cooperation.

Thanks to new Akim's analytical and communication qualities quite recently at rural school with assistance of sponsors the office of Robotics was open for

in which children are engaged with enviable pleasure. By words Gazdieva Bella Aslanbekovna, only such relation to study promote more creative thinking, ability to make decisions in difficult situations and to come into contacts.

From the very beginning of the activity as the first person of the Homeland Gazdieva Bella delivered to

before herself and the team some strategic tasks of development the social sphere of the village, to situation improvement in the field of health care and all support of inhabitants of old age and disabled people.

But, despite work change, Gazdieva Bella and now gives lectures because cannot come off students.

— This period of work in higher education institution grew up me, fostered — Gazdieva Bella speaks. — After university I ended postgraduate study, passed a way from the teacher to the acting as professor of chair of the Russian philology and, probably, therefore I consider that the main my life and will be connected from now on with pedagogical creativity.

Is pleasant to note that happy family life at all does not prevent our heroine to continue the begun way. After the university Gazdieva Bella married and today together with the husband brings up charming children: daughter Malika and son Husen.

— mine "spinogryzy" still school students — are told by Gazdieva Bella — and therefore at me a lot of time for their education and training leaves, after all still nobody cancelled homeworks. But we not bad cope with it, after all at desire it is possible to be in time all!

In completion of our conversation Gazdieva Bella shared

with us the impressions of participation in work of session of Academy of Sciences Kazakhstan at which with a welcoming speech the president of the republic Nursultan Nazarbayev made a speech.


— When me called the day before and told that I will sit in presidium near the leader of the nation, of course, I very strongly got agitated. Naturally, it was prepared as appropriate, after all it is necessary to address the president of the country not every day! But during all this process I represented that all Ingushs living in Kazakhstan, sit near me. And this feeling gave me force and confidence in tomorrow's dne.

Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Gazdieva Bella
Gazdieva B.
Gazdiev B.