"GTO – one country, one team!"

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Administration of the Dzerzhinsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory



. Dzerzhinsk

About the approval of the plan of measures within the All-Russian sports and sports festival "GTO — one country, one team! " in Dzerzhinsky rayon. For the purpose of promoting of VFSK GTO, a healthy lifestyle, involvement in occupations by physical culture and sport of inhabitants of the area, increase of efficiency of use of physical culture and sport in strengthening of health, harmonious and comprehensive developments persons, including due to preparation and implementation of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO, POSTANOVLYAYU complex:

to Approve the Plan of measures within the All-Russian sports and sports festival "by GTO — one country, one team! ", Dzerzhinsky rayon during the period from November 14, 2017 to December 20, 2017 (appendix No. 1).

  1. to Approve the Provision on a municipal stage of the All-Russian sports and sports festival "by GTO — one country, one team! " (appendix No. 2).
  2. to Department of culture, youth policy and sports of administration of the area (Nechaev I. Yu.) to provide to
  3. coordination on implementation of the plan of measures.
  4. Control behind implementation of the present resolution to assign to the deputy head of the area on political questions Goncharik Yu. S..
  5. the Resolution comes into force from the date of signing.
the Head of the area Ashaev D. N.

the Annex No. 1 to the resolution of administration of the area

the PLAN

of actions within the All-Russian sports and sports festival

"GTO — one country, one team! " in Dzerzhinsky rayon

No. of a payment order

the Name of action

Terms of carrying out

the Venue

the Content of action


the Stock "Days Off with GTO" within the Open Day






the Gym "Triumph"


the Information and propaganda action about activity of the Center of testing, about terms (schedules) of testing in 2017-2018 with possibility of implementation of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO <60> complex


Information decade "Krasnoyarsk territory in movement GTO"


the Educational organizations

Lessons GTO in the educational organizations of the area.

information Placement on the official sites of the educational organizations about VFSK GTO actions — within a decade (21-30.11.2017)


Work of a platform of testing in the Open Day format for all steps of the GTO complex, the organizations and the enterprises.

November — December Every Tuesday and Thursday

from 10.00 till 12.00

with 16.30-18.30

of page. Dzerzhinsk, a gym "Triumph"

the Organization and carrying out the physical cultural events which main goal is the organization of performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO <87> complex


Testing of the population of the Kuraysky Village Council by types of testing



of page. Chicken,

a gym of Kuraysky SSh

Performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO


Testirovaniye complex of the population

d Usolka



of of Usolk,

Usolsky SSh

Performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO


Testirovaniye complex of the population of the Nizhnetanaysky Village Council by types of testing



of page of N. Tanay.

the Gym of Nizhnetanaysky SSh

Performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO


Testirovaniye complex of the population of the Denisovsky Village Council by types of testing



of page of Denisovo, Denisovsky SSh

Performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO


Testirovaniye complex of the population of the Shelomkovsky Village Council by types of testing



of page. Shelomki, gym of Shelomkovsky SSh

Performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO <157> complex


Delivery of certificates and GTO


of page. Dzerzhinsk, administration of the area

Rewarding following the results of testing in the 3rd quarter 2017. Delivery of gold distinctions of complex VFSK "GTO"


Regional competition "Winter Triathlon of GTO"



of page. Dzerzhinsk, a gym "Triumph"

GTO Testing in a competitive mode, the correspondence participation in the 2nd stage of a regional festival "GTO — one country, one team! "

the Annex No. 2 to the resolution of administration of rayona


o a municipal stage of the All-Russian sports and sports festival "GTO — one country, one team! "


  1. I. General provisions

the Municipal sports and sports festival "GTO — One Country, One Team" (further — the Festival) is held for the purpose of promoting of VFSK GTO, a healthy lifestyle, involvement in occupations by physical culture and sport of inhabitants Dzerzhinsky rayon, increases of efficiency of use of physical culture and sport in strengthening of health, harmonious and comprehensive developments persons, including due to preparation and implementation of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO.<"229>" complex by

of the Problem of the Festival:

increase of level of appeal of the GTO complex among inhabitants of the area;

informing of the population on mechanisms of achievement of personal success, longevity and harmonious developments through systematic occupations by physical culture and sport;

physical culture and sport promotion, preparation and implementation of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO.<"233>" complex

  1. II. Terms of carrying out
the Festival is held by

in two stages: from November, 2017 to December, 2017.

Within holding the Festival the regional competition "Winter Triathlon of GTO" is carried out by

on December 10, 2017 in a gym "Triumph". The beginning of competitions in 11.00.<"238>"

  1. III. The management of carrying out action

the Management of carrying out a municipal stage of the Festival carries out department of culture, youth policy and sports of administration of the area.

Direct carrying out a municipal stage of the Festival is assigned by


Methodical providing the Festival assign to the municipal Center of testing of GTO.<"244>" by

II a stage of the Festival is held in absentia and provides summing up the I stage by the Festival Organizing committee.

  1. IV. Requirements to participants and conditions of their admission

To participation in the I stage of the Festival held according to the plan of events of the All-Russian sports and sports festival "GTO — one country, one team! " in the territory of the area (The annex No. 1 to the resolution of administration of the area), inhabitants Dzerzhinsky rayon from 6 to 70 years are allowed and are more senior, registered on a site www.gto.ru in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and got a unique identification number (further — UIN), in the presence of the admission of the doctor or the medical certificate about the admission to competitions.

  1. V. The festival

the Festival is held by

  1. Holding "Open Days" in the testing center;
  2. of "Lessons GTO" at schools, establishments of additional educations, the enterprises, the organizations;
  3. Performance by the population of standards of tests (tests) of the GTO <255> complex
  4. Organization of solemn delivery of distinctions;
  5. Carrying out the sports competitions "Winter Triathlon of GTO".

Program of the competitions "Winter Triathlon of GTO".

<" 301"> than

Age gruppy



16 — 17 years

of 18 - 29 years

of 30-39 years

of the woman

1) the Inclination forward from a standing position with direct feet on a gymnastic bench

2) trunk lifting from a prone position in 1 minute

3) bending extension of hands in an emphasis lying within 4 minutes

of the man

1) the Inclination forward from a standing position with direct feet on a gymnastic bench

2) trunk lifting from a prone position in 1 minute

3) breakthrough of the weight of 16 kg within 4 minutes

of 40 — 49 years

of 50-59 years

of the woman

1) the Inclination forward from a standing position with direct feet on a gymnastic bench

2) trunk lifting from a prone position in 1 minute

3) bending extension of hands in an emphasis lying within 4 minutes

of the man

1) the Inclination forward from a standing position with direct feet on a gymnastic bench

2) trunk lifting from a prone position in 1 minute

3) breakthrough of the weight of 16 kg within 4 minutes

of 60-69 years

of 70 years also is more senior

of the woman

1) the Inclination forward from a standing position with direct feet on a gymnastic bench

2) trunk lifting from a prone position in 1 minute

3) bending extension of hands about a gymnastic bench within 3 minutes

of the man

1) the Inclination forward from a standing position with direct feet on a gymnastic bench

2) trunk lifting from a prone position in 1 minute

3) bending extension of hands about a gymnastic bench within 3 minutes


personal, winners and prize-winners are defined on the 100-point table of an assessment of results in each age group and are carried out according to "Methodical recommendations about the organization and performance of tests (tests) by VFSK "GTO" approved by the Minister of sports Russian Federation from March 31, 2017.

  1. VI. Conditions of summing up

Individual competition of the sports competitions "Winter Triathlon of GTO" among participants in each age group of the GTO complex is determined by

the Result exceeding maximum in the table, is in addition estimated by number of points, multiple to top "step" of a scale of a look.

in case of equality of points, advantage is got by the participant who has shown the best result in bending — extension of hands in an emphasis lying or in weight breakthrough. If equality of points remains, as the following criterion the best result serves in exercise on a press in 1 minute.

the Organizing committee of the Festival determines by

winners and prize-winners of the second stage according to the submitted reports which is sent by one archive with the indication of municipal educations till December 15, 2017 on an e-mail This address e-mail is protected from spam boats, you need to include Javascript for its viewing. .

  1. VII. Rewarding

Winners and prize-winners of the competitions "Winter Triathlon of GTO" are awarded by diplomas and medals.

  1. VIII. Conditions of financings

the Expenses connected with the organization and holding the Festival, are born by department of culture, youth policy and sports of administration of the area.
