The agreement between administration Dubna and Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" is signed

@Vesti Dubny
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Author of the photo: The press service of administration Dubna

the Acting as the head City administration Dubna Danilov Maxime signed with the managing director of Northern Head office on Moscow region Central Russian banks Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" Ganiev Sergei the Cooperation agreement. The agreement is directed on:

  • crediting and financing various projects realized in interests of Administration of Dubna of the Moscow region for support of branches of material productions;
  • interaction improvement in the investment sphere;
  • effective use of investment potential of Dubna Moscow region;
  • providing organizations and population of Dubna Moscow region wide range of high-quality banking services;
  • implementation of projects of state-private partnership.
the Agreement determines by

an order of interaction of the parties by the solution of priority tasks in the territory Dubna, providing mobilization material and intellectual resources, for developments long-term mutually beneficial cooperation, and also by participation of the parties in programs of social and economic developments the science city.

At a meeting of the management of Northern Head office on Moscow region Central Russian banks Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" with representatives of administration Dubna and heads of leading enterprises were presented to

the scheme of work banks, experience of interaction with state and the business structures, new forms of work, bank products.

the Acting as the head City administration Dubna Danilov Maxime declared that similar "bank days" in Dubna need to be made regular.