The fair "Tsenopad" will take place in Stupin from November 24 to November 26

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C 24 till November 26 in Stupino around the agricultural market on Andropov St. will be carried out by

at the prices from the producer will be offered citizens.

of the Fair "Tsenopad" pass in the Moscow region since March, 2015 and represent the mechanism of market fight against the high prices. At the fairs "Tsenopad" all products and goods are on sale at a discount to 30% of usual retail price for data goods in shops.

""Tsenopad's" Range - 80% – products food (milk and sour-milk production, bread and bakery products, confectionery, meat, fish including and fresh, vegetables fruit, a pickles, preservation, honey). 20% – industrial goods, craft products, hand-made articles and souvenirs".

the Low trade margin on all range is reached by

at the expense of the following mechanism: producers or the suppliers of products who are most approached to the producer take part in fair directly. Places at fairs for sellers – free. Main condition of fair for participants of fair: goods and products food have to be appropriate quality, and the price at the seller has to be at least 30% lower, than in shop. Buyers directly buy from producers and suppliers. There is no difficult and multistage system of intermediaries and transport chains.

Press service of Administration of the municipal district Stupinsk