To leave or divorce? Employees of maternity hospital No. 2 ask to protect a couple Kiryukhinykh from persecution

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the Vice governor Vladimir region on social policy Kolkov Mikhail met the staff of maternity hospital No. 2. In this medical institution today, on November 16, quite emotional discussion of the notorious conflict of interests between the chief physician of maternity hospital Kiryukhina Irina and the director of the department of health care Kiryukhin Alexander took place. Let's remind, the requirement to deal with a situation arrived from the State Office of Public Prosecutor.

by words Kolkov Mikhail, it is possible to settle a question on a law letter in the different ways. Kiryukhina Irina , as we know, decided to write the resignation. Also there is a dismissal option heads oblzdrava and divorce of spouses.

— you know these people, and agree that is hardly possible, proceeding from that, how many years you know them, seriously to discuss similar opportunity. These people never from each other will refuse, and it is a component of their relations, — Kolkov Mikhail told.

Representatives of maternity hospital and the local Union of women which is headed also by Kiryukhina Irina , were going to picket on November 15 on a platform before Administration of Vladimir region in protection Kiryukhina Irina . However the city hall did not approve inquiry — the text of the address contradicted requirements of the federal law.

— All this situation not in which to a measure should not cast a shadow on professional reputation of our doctors. I understand a spirit of collective and that address to support about carrying out meeting. Meeting was not allowed on formal circumstances. I want to notice that it is impossible to force people to act for the head if they doubt him, — the vice governor told.

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"Custom-made persecution", "Let's not allow to destroy the Vladimir obstetrics", "Medicine out of policy" — these posters the angered staff of maternity hospital "decorated" hall walls, wishing all ways to show the relation to the events. To doctors it is unclear why about the conflict of interests started talking just now whereas Kiryukhin Alexander headed department in 2013? According to requirements of the federal law of 2004, at employment the candidate for a position of the civil servant is obliged to warn the employer about the possible conflict of interests. According to the chairman State law committee of administration of the Vladimir region Shalomentseva Helena , this omission it is impossible to incriminate it nowadays to the late predecessor at whom Kiryukhin Alexander and settled to this position.

— Is a question not of violation, and of non-compliance with procedure. Certainly, all is known to all. Simple record under the 79th law is necessary. On the governor — I notify that I am in relationship and all. And it would relieve responsibility about Kiryukhin Alexander . In shots, maybe, are not right, but it to write a duty — on the civil servant who settles, — Shalomentseva Helena explained.

Employees of maternity hospital parry

— Kiryukhin Alexander never hid that the chief physician of maternity hospital No. 2 is his wife. Where, say, looked? Besides, work Kiryukhina Irina and Kiryukhin Alexander Kiryukhinykh, according to doctors, for these 4 years who only did not check — prosecutor's office, Legislative Assembly, Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare and so on. And thus nobody revealed corruptions.

— 15 years ago here everything was old. Thanks to Kiryukhina Irina in maternity hospital new technologies, the new equipment, all take root. It not grain town. And at existing deficiency to give such doctors will be a disgrace to our medicine, — employees of maternity hospital speak.

— Without it to us it is simply impossible for

. It so the professional of the business that to be compared nobody to it. In total at it on control. Please, leave us our chief physician, — a request of one more employee of halls supported an applause.

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Also physicians ask to stop information attack and urge mass media to be objective and to shine not only the negative moments, but also positive. Kolkov Mikhail cited as an example indicative statistics.

Number of normal childbirth in maternity hospital No. 2

2014 — 864;

2015 — 1219;

2016 — 1620.

Infantile mortality

2012 — 7,9%;

of 2016 — 6,2%;

the Target indicator on road maps of Ministry of Health — 6,1% for 2017.

the Indicator on area for the last 9 months — 5,1%.

the General mortality of the population of the 33rd region

2012 — 16,6%;

2016 — 15,8%.

the Target indicator for 2017 — 13,1%.

the Indicator on area for the last 9 months — 15,8%.

Mortality from diseases of system of blood circulation

2012 — 1035;

2016 — 832,5;

the Target indicator for 2017 — 985,5;

the Indicator on area for the last 9 months — 811,6.

Malignant new growths

2012 — 249,7;

2016 — 231,9;

the Target indicator for 2017 — 195,3;

the Indicator on area for the last 9 months — 221.

In a word, to Vladimir region observe reduction of death from many serious diseases that is the main indicator of level of work of the director of the department of health care and its subordinates.

— Kiryukhin Alexander — the great head. Competent, responsible. The one fourth areas was born in this maternity hospital. So many women wish to give birth exactly here! Why because of this formality we break destiny of two people, two honored doctors? Why we have no censorship? Why there are no such services which would not allow an extreme, unconfirmed negative? We worry and about Kiryukhin Alexander and about Kiryukhina Irina . We ask somehow this issue to resolve, consider. Find a way out of this situation because we weight are revolted, — the employee of maternity hospital Shalomentseva Helena asked.

In turn elder sister of office for the newborns, 40 years which have worked here, literally with tears in the eyes remembers manuals of the chief physician: to


— "Leave bad mood behind maternity hospital walls. You have to accept mummies with a smile! " You listened to any Plaksin. Why to it the trust is, and to us — no? We for that Kiryukhina Irina remained.

Further to physicians among whom and representatives of other medical institutions of the city, suggested to vote, such images having shown the trust to Kiryukhina Irina and to Kiryukhin Alexander Kiryukhin Alexander . As a result all present voted pro.

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— At us is not present at anybody doubts in professionalism of our companions. Both of them — professional doctors. These are people who did not deny to any person the assistance. They are very good heads. Still to look for such heads. We need not to offend these people and from this situation to leave beautiful, — the vice-chairman noted Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region Khokhlova Olga.

At last, the word pledged to the chief physician of maternity hospital No. 2 Kiryukhina Irina who modestly sat near the poster with an inscription: "Hands off the Vladimir medicine". Kiryukhina Irina thanked all for support and noted that for anything would not leave itself and did not leave maternity hospital to the mercy of fate. Situation supposedly compelled. to

— I still had feeling of injustice, feeling of persecution. My husband now is in hospital, at him it is bad with heart. He never will give a sign, — Kiryukhina Irina speaks, hardly constraining tears. — I actually want that both of us left. Both of us gave to this work so much. Forgive, I am emotional. These people poison us. My husband was dismissed by 5 times. Once he came to work at only 2 o'clock, and him dismissed. 5 years he between the sky and the earth lived in a full depression. I passed all courts. Why us, honored doctors, nobody protects? The son without work sat our 3 months, took away the computer, returned all with viruses. The daughter of one three children brings up. It has a small clinic, and after all it the diplomaed doctor with 2 higher educations. Against the husband I will not go, I will not bring him. And if there is a question — it or I, let will be it. If it is the serious federal law, I will respect it. You know that I am the law-abiding citizen, — Irina Kiryukhina stated the position Kiryukhina Irina

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the Main issue — how to resolve this conflict of interests? Staff of maternity hospital suggested to cancel the order on dismissal Kiryukhina Irina and to find a way to leave it on a post Maternity house No. 2. Also they ask to increase objectivity of the relation of prosecutor's offices and mass media to problems of health care and
to protect a family Kiryukhinykh from persecution and prosecution.

— Is those it is favorable to whom to destabilize a situation. We have to show vigilance. It is important to keep those who is able to do the part. We will send addresses to Leonid Roshal — to the founder of National medical chamber. That if it is necessary, it could reach a thought and the president and to ask for the colleagues, — the president of Medical chamber told Vladimir region Ilyin Anatoly.

Finishing one and a half hour conversation, employees of maternity hospital reminded that on November 24 the medical institution will celebrate the 60 anniversary, and asked authorities to give a gift — to leave them the chief physician who intends to leave a post next day, the 25th.