The budgetary education to Czech Republic! Magnitogorsk entrants will acquaint with the best higher education institutions of Prague

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Magnitogorsk . LLC "Education center za rubezhom" will explain to graduates and their parents, what higher education institutions Czech Republic are ready to provide to them the budgetary places, what prospects of employment and how many it is necessary to spend for the maintenance of the student …
The budgetary education in the Czech Republic! Magnitogorsk entrants will acquaint with the best higher education institutions of Prague
The budgetary education in the Czech Republic! Magnitogorsk entrants will acquaint with the best higher education institutions of Prague

B Moscow for one budgetary place in Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" for the specialty "Economy" every year about 9 entrants apply, so 10% of students will be able to study free of charge only, the rests should pay annually the training of more than 400 thousand rubles. And at the Prague economic university more than 600 students study in "Economy" absolutely free of charge in the Czech language. At all this Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" in Prague - the largest economic university in Czech Republic, also takes the 73rd place in a rating newspaper "The Financial Times".

can be given Similar analogies infinitely and on other specialties — though humanitarian, though technological.

according to the edition (the Czech edition), every tenth student of the Czech higher education institution – the foreigner. The foreign entrant can study free of charge and on the same conditions, as the Czech students, if language of its training – Czech. It is necessary to show only confirmation on knowledge of language at the level of B2, and it as practice shows, quite on forces to Magnitogorsk school students.
The budgetary education in the Czech Republic! Magnitogorsk entrants will acquaint with the best higher education institutions of Prague

Cooperation of university with major companies gives big advantage to his graduates. According to Karlov's research of the university devoted to prospects of employment of graduates of the Czech higher education institutions, for example, of 99% of graduates of electrotechnical faculty of the Czech technical University are employed, and their average salary makes 47 444 kroner (≈ 1 824 euros). 96,8% ended construction faculty are employed with average salary 32 623 kroner (≈ 1 254 euros).

of Prospect of graduates — it is one of highlights for the students thinking of the future.

"At us no, not employed students", – surely were declared in interview to the edition by the rector of the Czech technical University Pyotr Konvalinka.

The budgetary education in the Czech Republic! Magnitogorsk entrants will acquaint with the best higher education institutions of Prague

I it is the statement looks absolutely truthful if to consider that partners of university are the known companies: NOEN, Skoda, NET4GAS, ICE Industrial Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and others. Doors of each of them are open for graduates of technical specialties. Also students of ChVUT have an opportunity to learn a semester or two at the best universities of the world within the Erasmus%2B program.

How to arrive on budget in prestigious Czech higher education institutions? In the maintenance of the student in a month in Prague how many manages? These and many other questions will be answered by students during a teleconference with Prague.

the Seminar about the budgetary highest education to Czech Republic will take place tomorrow, on November 9, at 19.00. It will be interesting!

the Seminar free, but preliminary record is obligatory as the quantity of places is limited. Record by phone: 29 00 88.<"46>"