The Danish minister of affairs of immigration was passed on the refugee and disappeared

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the Danish minister of affairs of immigration Stoyberg Inger was compelled to escape from migrants and brought down one refugee. The minister visited the deportation center where refugees to whom refused granting a shelter contain. Lodgers were revolted that it met only one family living in the center, and refused to listen to other people, transfers TV channel Russian information channel "Rossiya 24" .

As are written by a site" 360 " when tension started increasing, protection brought the minister to the street. At that time at the car Stoyberg Inger about 40 people who tried to prevent it to leave waited. When she nevertheless got into the car, on a cowl one of migrants rushed. As a result the car was passed on the woman. The member of Cabinet of Ministers did not begin to stop and hastened to disappear. Later protection of the minister declared that the woman "could suffer a little".