To Tula region "veterans" summed up the intermediate results of work on projects of the Popular front

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In regional office of All-Russia People's Front to Tula region meeting of a regional staff of All-Russia People's Front took place. Leading of intermediate results of work of the Popular front according to the projects realized in 2017 of


Within the project of All-Russia People's Front "Clear-out" by inhabitants Tula region became a key question All-Russia People's Front 459 dumps were revealed and put on an interactive map . Activists of All-Russia People's Front managed to achieve elimination of a half of them. Elimination of part of places of unauthorized warehousing of household waste is brought in plans of works for next year.

"the Project of All-Russia People's Front "Clear-out" appeared the extremely successful. It caused a response from inhabitants of the region, and also forced local authorities to pay attention to a problem of unauthorized dumps and illegal ranges and to begin fight against them. This practice needs to be continued", – the coordinator of the project of All-Russia People's Front "Clear-out" to Tula region Budenkov Mikhail emphasized.

Also questions of quality of work of treatment facilities were brought up by the member of a regional staff of All-Russia People's Front Nicholas Vinyukov. He emphasized that next year during the work on the ecological direction it is necessary to consider questions of preservation of purity of the rivers separately.

Within the project "Road Inspection the ONF/map of the Killed Roads" on the card Tula region is noted by

of 465 roads, being in an unsatisfactory state. Following the results of work practically on every second designated site the decision is made: yamochny or capital repairs are carried out or planned.

Public men held control events within activity of the Center of All-Russia People's Front on monitoring improvements of an urban environment. Also the project of All-Russia People's Front, directed on creation of opportunities for receiving additional educations school students "Equal opportunities – to children" within which in Tula the forum "The Tula talent" was held did not remain unaddressed also, and also work on start of free circles of additional educations is begun.

Within a year experts of the regional working groups of the Popular front worked with

and according to addresses of citizens. It was succeeded to make explanations and to resolve an issue on 40% of addresses. In particular, activists of All-Russia People's Front helped to resolve an issue with boiler room start in Tula, providing with heat and hot water supply 12 apartment houses. In Belyov district it was succeeded to achieve receiving housing by inhabitants emergency houses. In Venyovsky District the issue with installation of stopping pavilion was resolved.

during meeting coordinators of the projects of All-Russia People's Front in area and heads of the regional working groups of the Popular front discussed public offers to executive authorities.

"For all year following the results of work with addresses of citizens, and also carrying out monitorings and round tables experts of All-Russia People's Front formulated the offers. They concern the most different spheres of life: ecology, health care, cultures", – were noted by the cochairman of a regional staff of All-Russia People's Front to Tula region Glukhov Mikhail.

Public offers to executive authorities will be sounded by

at total regional conference of All-Russia People's Front to Tula region. Members of a regional staff of All-Russia People's Front made the decision to carry out it in the second half of November.

Nicholas Vinyukov
Main activity:Official
Budenkov Mikhail
Glukhov Mikhail
Political ideology:Social conservatism