To increase forest riches

@Gorodetskij vestnik
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To increase forest riches of the Photo of the author

In the territory of 35 forest areas Nizhny Novgorod region on October 5 there took place a large-scale action – uniform day "Live, the wood! " The Gorodetsky interdistrict forest area became the center of an action.

As the head of department of the organization and reproduction of the woods told

Forestry Department of the Nizhny Novgorod region Albert Aleksandrovich Tikhov, this day in the territory of the Brilyakovsky forest area saplings of a pine ordinary on a place of a fir grove which was damaged by the bark beetle printer were planted.

– We replaced breed from a fir-tree with a pine as the bark beetle does not harm to this look coniferous, – Aleksandrovich Aleksey noted. – Today on the area of 2,5 hectares about 10 thousand small seedlings are landed. On area about 2 thousand people participate in an action, they will land about 600 thousand new trees.

Further it added that representatives participated in an action Forestry Department of the Nizhny Novgorod region, State Budgetary Institution Nizhegorodsky les, Gorodetsky of an interdistrict forest area, the acting head of department of forestry Sychev Yu. G., representatives of faculty of forestry of the Nizhny Novgorod agricultural academy and department of ecology and conservation of Administration of the municipal district Gorodetsk of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Tikhov answered that it becomes specially, with a stock, having taken into account so-called "natural selection". In 3-5 their years there will be about 60%, and to age of 70-100 years – only 500-700 pieces.

– Trees put in specially plowed deep a track, moving apart the turf, and instead of a shovel use the special adaptation – "Kolesov's Sword". Agrotechnical leaving six times in three years and lesovodstvenny leaving – cleaning of excess tree species (a birch, an aspen) which are not cultivated is provided. Birches nevertheless will grow here, serving as the improvised fire-prevention protection as they not so strongly burn as coniferous, – Albert Aleksandrovich Tikhov explained.

– We carried out this landing within an action "Live, the wood! " – Gorodetsky's head of an interdistrict forest area Bykov Ye. A. emphasized. – This action is also dated for a Year of ecology to Russian Federation. Reproduction of the woods has huge value for preservation of the nature and increases forest richness of our country.

of the Acting head of department of ecology and conservation Artamonychev L. A. and the chief of Northwest interdistrict department of regional state ecological supervision and environmental protection of the ministry of ecology Nizhny Novgorod region Mayorov A. F. landed 134 sosenka.