company ran into debt to 3,5 million rubles on salary "Avtodormostproyekt"

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of 3,5 million rubles company ran into debt on salary "Avtodormostproyekt"

Debt on salary for July the organization already paid.

As reported the day before during meeting of the commission on elimination of debts in administration Izhevsk, company "Avtodormostproyekt" ran into debt on salary 3,5 million rubles.

according to the head of department of economy and developments administrations Izhevsk Nikolaeva Svetlana, the organization already paid a debt on salary for July.

"I think that, probably, it is worth leaving this organization on control, and to look at ours debt in this organization. We the looked at debt, debts before this organization are not present", - noted Nikolaeva Svetlana.

we Will remind
Zakhar Milostivenko
Last position: Deputy of the sixth convocation (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Nikolaeva Svetlana