Latvians were drawn to Catalans
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The letter to Association of self-administrations of Autonomous community of Catalonia for independence the Duma directed Municipality of Jaunjelgava Latvia, expressing support to the people of autonomous community in fight for self-determination.

Latvians were drawn to Catalans. 378126.jpeg Photo

it were declared today to journalists by the head of the Latvian self-government Gunta Libeka.

"The most part of society is not indifferent and supports the right of the people of Autonomous community of Catalonia to resolve an issue of the independence. People are alarmed and concerned violent actions from the central management Spain, and also repressions" — is spoken in the letter which was signed by Libeka.

the Politician also condemned violence in relation to Catalan politicians, local authorities, the non-state organizations and citizens, having called thus other self-government institutions Latvia to support Autonomous community of Catalonia.

the Initiative of a thought Municipality of Jaunjelgava while in any way were not commented by Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Latvia.

the Referendum about independence which is not recognized by the Spanish authorities and which else before carrying out was frozen by the Constitutional court the countries, took place on October 1. Vote was accompanied by mass collisions with the Spanish police. Some sites in various regions of Autonomous community of Catalonia were during the day closed by police officers and Home guards.

As were explained by the official representative of the government of Autonomous community of Catalonia Zhordi Turul, 90,09% supported office of Autonomous community of Catalonia from Spain voted on a referendum on Sunday.

It is noted by

that against only 7,87% of Catalans acted. Thus 2,03% of bulletins remained blank, and another 0,89% of forms were recognized as the invalid.