Three educational institutions and 41 houses in Sevastopol are not heated yet

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of the Photo:, © ForPost, News of the Sevastopol city (ForPost, News of the Sevastopol city)
Sevastopol all 120 city boiler rooms are started by

B Sevastopol, – reports TV channel to NTS . He specified that today without worker heatings remain school gymnasium No. 7 and two kindergartens. Problem promise to solve soon.

"Conduct works on the main heating main according to the FTP program from a boiler room on Khrustalyov 66. It is not a lot of much – 300 meters of a heating main. 600 meters of a pipe. We think that tomorrow already the heat supply on these objects will be provided", – Dimitri Cheplygin told.

we Will remind

, on October 23 ForPost, News of the Sevastopol city reported that in 4 kindergartens, two schools and hospitals Sevastopol did not include heating.

After the solution of a question will be warmly received by residents of forty one houses who are on the same highway. Dimitri Cheplygin noted: preparation for a heating season was conducted the serious. Capital works carried out on 12 boiler rooms, on 11 kilometers of heating mains replacement of the isolation is made, even more than 8 kilometers of the highway replaced completely.


"It is clear to


In "Sevteploenergo" also promised: to emergencies will quickly react. To accelerate repair work it will turn out thanks to the updated vehicle fleet and the equipment.

Dimitri Cheplygin
Last position: Chief engineer (GUPS "SEVTEPLOENERGO")