Arranged well the yard

@Severnaja pravda
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in Sushchevo's village Kostroma district

of All in the area within the "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment" project till November 1 will be arranged well by

In Sushchev the presentation of the updated domestic territory became the real celebration which and called: "Holiday of my yard" with songs, chastushkas, verses, tea with the baked hostesses pies and pies.

During the holiday there was the deputy Regional Duma of Kostroma Andrey Ivanovich Bychkov, heads rural area settlements, inhabitants of "house lucky" and their neighbors.

the Cost of works made

of 669 thousand rubles - 75% from federal budgets, 25% - from local. The yard asphalted, established benches and ballot boxes. Inhabitants made beautiful domestic figures, florists, made a playground.

according to the head of the Sushchevsky rural settlement Aristova Irina, next year in Sushchev plan to nominate to competition at least three more house adjoining territories, proceeding from initiatives of inhabitants.