Deputies Karachayevsk will elect the mayor on October 26

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Cherkessk. October 23. INTERFAX-SOUTH - the Contest committee of municipal duma of the Karachay city district (Karachay-Cherkess Republic) finished order taking from candidates for a position of the mayor.

"two applications were submitted

For competition - from the acting as the mayor of the Karachay city district Dinaev Albert and the deputy chief of Administration office Karachay-Cherkess Republic po okhrane i ispolzovaniyu obektov zhivotnogo mira i vodnykh biologicheskikh resursov Tokov Zamir", - the chairman of municipal duma Semenov Ali reported to Interfax South agency.

It noted that all documents filed by applicants, successfully underwent testing.

"Meeting of Thought of Karachay city district where deputies will elect the mayor, is appointed to October 26. Elections will take place direct vote", - the speaker added.

the City Council will sign contract With the elected candidate for the five-year term of office corresponding to a term of office of present structure of municipal duma.