To Republic of Bashkortostan the festival competition of modern national weaving of "Orlovk" took place

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In Bashkiria the festival competition of modern national weaving of
In Arhangelskoe district Republic of Bashkortostan took place a festival competition of modern national weaving of "Orlovk". The festival was organized by Ministry of culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republican center of national creativity, Administration of municipal district Arhangelskoe district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, gallery of folk art "Urals".

Actions more than 20 participants from Alsheyevsky district united, Belokataysky district, Burzyansky district, Zilair district, Kirgiz-Miyaki district, Sterlitamak district, Arhangelskoe district, the cities Ufa and Birsk.
Under the terms of a festival each participant presented to br for exhibitions some works performed for the last 3 years: towel, panel, cloth, path, suit, details and suit accessories (headdresses, belts, jewelry), bag.

Having seen the presented works, the jury decided to award diplomas in competitions "The Bashkir souvenir". Valitova Guzel from Kirgiz-Miyaki district became the owner of Gran-pri.
Winners became: Korlykhanova Maria (Belokataysky district), Kyrchikov Andrey (Birsk), Khalilova Fagima (Arhangelskoe district).

Also marked out winners in the nominations: "For preservation and development national traditions", "Modern style", "The Bashkir style", "Youth style".

Within three days of the participant were created by creative works which the jury under the chairmanship of the honored worker of culture of Republic of Bashkortostan estimated, the deputy director generals the Republican center of national creativity for creative work Tulybaeva Nafisa. As a part of jury Rizvanova Gulyusa worked the deputy director of LIPS of BHP "Agidel"; senior teacher of chair of design of east economic State university of Ufa Sutkevich Olga; TV reporter, honored worker of culture of Republic of Bashkortostan Sarvar Surina; manager of Urals gallery of RTsNT Kaydalov Karim.
- the Main criterion of an assessment was that works have to keep local technology traditional weaving or by means of new technological development of manual weaving figuratively reflect ideas and motives of folk art of the local culture, - emphasized in RTsNT RB.
All works were placed by br at exhibition national arts and crafts on modern manual weaving in SDK foyer.
Event was held by br for preservation of traditional culture of weaving in the modern world, developments creative community of the masters working in the field of weaving, and formation of respect of the population to traditions of domestic culture; identifications of talented masters in the field of weaving; identifications of the new art directions in the field of creation of modern woven products.