By the beginning of a heating season in Sevastopol repair the main heating main

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By the beginning of a heating season in Sevastopol repair the main heating main
Source:" Spark"

Reconstruction of the main heating main on Khrustalyov Street in Sevastopol plan to finish till December 15.

- Installation and construction works are conducted since September. Long enough agreed on the scheme of transport movement around carried-out works: full overlapping of the street was initially supposed, but we found the solution and limited movement only on one of strips. Now works are conducted according to the schedule. Till November 20 heating main installation then asphalting and territory improvement will begin will come to the end, – the vice governor Bazarov Vladimir reported.

the Main heating main is calculated by

on three central thermal points and provides with heat of 54 apartment houses, two kindergartens and school. Thus failures in heat giving to inhabitants of nearby houses at cold weather approach will not be, assured of Government goroda.

- the Extent of networks of a heating main – 460 meters, pipes – 920 meters. Completely works will be complete in December, – the chief engineer of "Sevteploenergo" Dimitri Cheplygin explained.


of Bazarov Vladimir charged to profile departments to provide uninterrupted giving of heat to inhabitants of Khrustalyov Street at approach of a heating season. For this purpose the second heating main which will provide with heat all buildings before full commissioning of new object is already mounted.

of All within the FTP in 2017 planned replacement of four conduits. Next year also is planned to begin installation and construction works on replacement of 2,5 kilometers of the main heating main around a boiler room on Rybakov Street, 1.

Crimean TRUTH.

Dimitri Cheplygin
Last position: Chief engineer (GUPS "SEVTEPLOENERGO")
Bazarov Vladimir
Government goroda
Government Agency