VIDEO: To the reserve "Orenburg" brought Przhevalsky's new horses

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12 mares and 4 stallions arrived to the Center of reintroduction of horses of Przhevalsky National park of "Hortobad" (Hungary).

It already the second group of horses of this national park who pass acclimatization for further free life in the Orenburg steppes. On traditions, names of animals begin with one letter: Savannah, Sofia, Sandro, Suzy. And only one - Randos.

Four hours the special board flied to us from Hungary with invaluable "Red Book" passengers. Each horse transport in a personal biobox - and by all means stoya.


Po to words of the chief veterinarian of the Budapest zoological and botanical garden Endre Shosh, horses transferred flight well. In the town to County of Hajdu-Bihar near whom the national park, too now about 15 degrees of heat so animals had no temperature stress settles down, nobody fell ill. Though so long flight for horses is serious stress.


Now in the reserve "Orenburg" population of horses of Przhevalsky totals already 36 individuals. Scientists hope that in 10 years the number of these swift-footed animals will be quadrupled - to 150 individuals.