In Irkutsk oshchenilas the sterilized and dead dog according to documents

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B Irkutsk in the center of scandal appeared oshchenivshayasya a mongrel. The dog with a number label on an ear was found in the yard of one of houses by locals. It became clear that the animal according to official documents was sterilized and died. Nevertheless an animal the veterinarian examined STATE INSTITUTION IGSBBZH and confirmed that the dog was not sterilized.

In the press service of veterinary science of the region told that the animal before return to will was in "K-9" nursery. This nursery executed the municipal contract on catching and sterilization of vagrant animals. Apparently, the performer provided to the customer under the municipal contract obviously false documents.

is calls into question reliability and other documents provided by the performer. In any a case, the final conclusion upon oshchenivsheysya a birkovanny dog who according to documents is destroyed, can provide COMMITTEE OF CITY PLANNING OF THE IRKUTSK CITY ADMINISTRATION after careful check, - the department press service reports.

According to the regional law, homeless animals are caught by the specialized organizations according to the municipal contract. Thirty days during which hold events for prevention and treatment of diseases, including vaccination against rage, and also a birkovaniye and sterilization (castration) support them in shelters and nurseries. After this animal again release on the street.

In March of this year the committee of city arrangement signed such contract with "K-9" nursery. Contract is already executed, reporting documents were handed over. Now the municipality should find out, these reports were how reliable, and how many still allegedly sterilized animals will be brought by posterity on city streets.