The Penza participants of motor rally went in the wake of the forgotten estates

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in the wake of the forgotten estates went participants of the motor rally of the same name. It became the first in own way. Activists of the most different organizations decided to revive those places which historically once there was in fact the welfare centers Penza region in memory of inhabitants of the region.

So, the guide reports the first data on Ustinov' estate on a campaign to the main cultural object of these places, the magnificent palace which was built at the end of the century before last in unusual to Russian Federation style of Renaissance. In it the pig-iron spiral staircase conducting in basements remained. And views from a balcony still, as well as 200 years ago, open the most beautiful.

the following on a motor rally route completely answers with

But if this monument of architecture is restored, to its name, that is is absolutely forgotten. For example, Archangel Michael Church in Pro-treasury from which there were only walls, and on them — fragmentary escaped list. Therefore to remind of them — the main objective of an action.

"We will revive them at least is information. People do not know that in the territory of area there are unique objects which demand leaving and attention" — the chairman of Youth parliament at Legislative assembly of Penza region Sushkov Andrey noted.

Most of all them are demanded by a mansion in Arapov' former manor where only the local school worked 3-4 years ago. House built specially under Nikolay's I visit in 1830. However the tsar here did not glance. But there were children Alexander Pushkin.

Organizers of motor rally thought that in their column there will be only about 15 cars of fans of old times. It was — 26. "In the wake of the forgotten estates" — it not only motor rally. In the project in parallel there is competition photos which it is decided to prolong until the end of October. Judging by quantity of the made shots, it is necessary to organizers a difficult choice.

Alexander Pushkin
Last position: Chairman (Central district court of Tula city of the Tula region)
Sushkov Andrey