Remembering Katull Valery …

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Premier execution by the Academic chapel of philharmonic hall of the cantata of Orf Carl

Remembering Katull Valery …

When in the 90th years the Academic chapel Udmurt Republic declared execution of the most known composition of the German composer Orf Carl "the Snow-storm Carmine" ("Songs Snow-storms") – the first part of the theatrical and choral trilogy, all theater tickets of the opera and the ballet where risked to act musicians, were instantly sold (12%2B).

Before a concert on the square at theater were wishing to get an excess ticket. Unknown case! Is explained by that bored music fans to listen performed by different republican and visitors of collectives approximately to the same repertoire of classics of the nineteenth and eighteenth century. And where the twentieth century which consigned then to the past, and compositions of composers of this time was necessary to hear only in record, and that - frequent fragments. Orf Carl was not executed before reorganization and therefore that lived and created to fascist Germany though he absolutely rejected hearings about cooperation with fans of music from the highest nazi circles. "Katulli of a carmine" - the second part of the trilogy

That to us Katull Valery, what we to it?


First of all the appeal to a subject of love lyrics stunned Katull Valery – the poet Drevnego Rome. which Alexander Pushkin translated. The thought emerged: yes, rushing about between Europe and Asia, we start forgetting that the European culture, and the Russian including, grew on the basis of Ancient Greek and ancient Roman which remained in representation of contemporaries somewhere in the mossy past, an old dusty small volume in library and in the list of literature of students philologists obligatory for reading. And Orf Carl the Latin poetry strongly interested. How the composer and a chapel entered this work in dead Latin in today?

In July, 1930 Orf Carl visited the peninsula Sirmion on Lake Garda to Italy, near Verona. There he visited ruins of the ancient Roman swimming baths carrying the name "Katull's Grotto". On the color card which has imprinted this place, lines short, as if engraved on a stone", by words Orf Carl were placed ":

I Hate

and still I love. How it is possible, you will ask? I will not explain. But so I feel, for death pining.

It is Katull Valery (87 - apprx. 54 BC) Roman poet. It is a little known of his life, however of verses there is a love story to Lesbia. Allegedly, it existed really: this is Claudia, the Roman patritsianka, the sister a tribune and the hetera known for shocking freedom of customs. Its beauty and education caused deep feeling of the poet, but the love appeared the executed bitterness: Lesbia abandoned Katull Valery, having answered Tseliya's love, the perfidious friend of the poet. In November, 1943 Songs Katull Valery, scenic games" were born ", and in Leipzig in one evening from "the Snow-storm Carmine" the premiere which has caused an enthusiastic applause took place.

Predoshchushcheny rock music

Deeply and lapidarno, relying on extensive knowledge of music, conducted a concert the favourite of the Izhevsk music fans, the lecturer and the composer Tolkach Youri, entering listeners into the world of ancient culture. Illustrated sounding music on the screen of the photo of antique ruins, sculptures, lists of frescos and ceramics. The chief conductor Yeliseev Andrey conducted choristers and soloists by the three-part sea of the cantata with inspiration and huge power expenses that was transferred to a hall and involved in an emotional sheaf. Orf Carl is far from complications which are peculiar to composers of the twentieth century. But in its simplicity depth of feelings is hidden. Ancient Roman music did not reach us, Orf Carl tries to present as it could sound. The cantata as Tolkach Youri considers, contains, besides, prefeelings of future rock music and by that are established by unity of times and unity of the European culture for all times.

This trilogy including "Katulli of a carmine", was created as theatrical and concert work. Our chapel also tried to present it is most dramatized with a video series and soloists. Chorus remarks, a laughter, sudden blows of the conductor to a copper plate, division singing on heroes, the aged men who are indignant with customs of youth, young rakes and independent heteras, - all this creates the live picture long ago the left world. But unless experiences and acts of people what is connected with love and passion changed? The love story of the poet – it for ages, also will always excite.

– to Credo of our chapel and me as the head – execution of exclusively classical music of all times, - are told by Yeliseev Andrey. – Each program is fastened by large choral works of world music. Do not intend to change this position. The following large-scale work of repertoire - Mozart's Mass re a major which becomes a gift by Christmas.


: Puzanova Nina

Alexander Pushkin
Last position: Chairman (Central district court of Tula city of the Tula region)
Katull Valery
Orf Carl
Tolkach Youri
Yeliseev Andrey