Igor Shuvalov lobbies again sale of drugs in supermarkets. Experts against

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Shuvalov lobbies again sale of drugs in supermarkets. Experts against

Government of the Russian Federation will consider possibility of sale of medicines in grocery distribution networks. By data daily business newspaper "RBK daily" , this subject was discussed still on August 31 at meeting at the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Then it charged to Ministry of Health to work the matter, the representative Igor Shuvalov confirmed to the edition.

the Offer on trade drugs in supermarkets supported in Minpromtorg as such approach will strengthen the competition in the retail market that will increase availability of preparations. "When the buyer will come to food shop, it will be able to get, for example, vitamins or anticatarrhal preparations. At the initial stage to the drugs realized in distribution networks, we suggest to carry OTC medicines which do not demand providing special storage conditions", – the secretary of state the deputy of Minpromtorg Victor Leonidovich Yevtukhov explained.

Ministry of Health in turn opposes as

this initiative Igor Shuvalov and asks to stop development of the relevant bill. It follows from the letter of the director of the department of social development of the government Sergei Fedorovich Velmyaykin which he sent to the first Deputy Prime Minister. Ministry of Health reasoned the position results of vote of expert community on a portal of drafts of regulations. Development of the bill was supported only by 11 people, against – 2488.<"28>"

will be reminded, in 2014, Igor Shuvalov charged to Ministry of Health to create the list of medicines for free sale in supermarkets. Ministry of Health included in the list nonprescription local antiseptics for sore throat treatment, sprays and drops against cold, absorbent carbon, antiviral and antiallergic creams and ointments. But the government still did not approve the list.

according to the director of development the analytical companies RNC Pharma Bespalov Nicholas, entering the list offered for sale in supermarkets preparations, in a money equivalent occupy 2,5% the commercial pharmaceutical markets. "To drugstores level of trust is much higher. Even if to present that 30-50% of consumers after all will choose a supermarket, instead of a drugstore, the last will lose somewhere 1,3% of the market. These are about 12,3 billion rubles", – he considers.

Experts also state to

fears that in case of acceptance at legislative level of an initiative Igor Shuvalov, prices of medicines will spread up. "Drugstores earn on that segment of drugs which is offered to be transferred to supermarkets. If it is not, they should raise the prices of other preparations, for example for treatment of chronic diseases to cover losses", – the executive director of National pharmaceutical chamber Nevolina Helena explained.

Moscow, Gridin Yvan

Igor Shuvalov
Last position: Chairman (SC Vnesheconombank)
Victor Leonidovich Yevtukhov
Last position: Stats-sekretar-zamestitel Ministra (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation)
Sergei Fedorovich Velmyaykin
Last position: Director (Department health care and social development government of the Russian Federation)
Bespalov Nicholas
Nevolina Helena