What terms will help to be guided with the world of Big Data

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From the point of view of a transcription it is correct to depositphotos.com
, the crime will not be - such option of a pronunciation already got accustomed, and, is not excluded, it will be included once in dictionaries as standard option. Another matter why data, instead of datas, after all "data" - them is a lot of. We answer: the word data is loan from Latin where multiple and singular are formed not as in English, and data is just plural form from datum. Generally, it is possible to speak "date", and "datas/deytas" is not present. The Russian equivalent - Big Data - too surely entered a turn, though it twice more long.

" Big Data are when more than a terabyte", "Big Data are a volume of information which cannot be processed on one computer", "Big Data are a new oil". How many people, are so much and definitions of Big Data. The formal definition does not exist: not clearly, where border between big and simply this.

Initially the concept Big Data was described by

through three V: the volume (volume) - is a lot of information; speed (velocity) - data increase quickly and processed; variety (variety) - to work go both numbers, and texts, both graphic images, and other types of data, including unstructured.

Then the quantity of V increased, analysts suggested to add veracity - reliability, viability - viability, value - value for economy, sciences and societies, variability - changeability, visualization - possibility of figurative representation.

one is clear to

: it is a question not simply of mountains of data with which for some reason hammer servers scientific laboratories and the business firms. People seek not only to accumulate information terabytes, but also to derive from it benefit . Therefore Big Data are not so much about volume, how many about approaches, tools, data processing methods which help to take from tons of digital "ore" of grams of "gold". For example, in kvintillionakh information collected by telescopes of NASA to find traces of a new planet.

Data science

Most often use the English version - "date sayns" or "deyta sayns". Russian analog:" science about data".

It is science about methods of the analysis of data and extraction from them valuable information. Data science as the academic discipline is formed since the beginning of the 2010th. To become the expert in this area, it is necessary to be first of all the excellent mathematician - to know mathematical modeling, matstatistiku, combination theory, the theory of counts and many other things. Well and, of course, to be able to program. It is necessary to notice while demand on date scientists strongly exceeds the offer (especially to Russian Federation).

Machine training

the Russian phrase" Machine training" is used by

as is frequent, as English Machine training (something it seems "meshin a lerning").

It is area Artificial intelligence - development of the programs, capable to study and make decisions, proceeding from own experience. Cars process and analyze arriving data subsequently to use them for forecasting of trends, including behavior of users.

"Exactly thanks to Machine training the search engine understands

, what results (and advertizing) to show in response to your inquiry. When you look through mail, the most part of spam passes by you because it was filtered by means of Machine training. If you decided something to buy on Amazon.com or glanced on Netflix to watch the movie, the system Machine training will obligingly offer options which can be to the taste to you. By means of Machine training Social network Facebook solve, what news you to show, and Twitter select suitable tweets" - the book "Supreme Algorithm" of the researcher begins with these words Artificial intelligence Pedro Domingos.

Data Mining

Data Mining is transferred to


from English as "detection of knowledge in databases" that captures the concept essence, but sounds too long. Therefore it is accepted to tell "date / deyta Mining", "maynit" - to take data, "namaynit" - to take.

Datamayning designate as technologies, and detection process in crude data of unknown and useful information. Basis Data Mining make various methods of classification, modeling and forecasting. Into scientific use the term was entered by the Israeli mathematician Grigory Ilyich Pyatetsky-Shapiro - in 1989.

of the Cloud

is Told both "cloud" / "cloudy", and cloud (for example, cloud computing - cloud computing).

to Hold in the head all tasks for day, month, year not really conveniently therefore we write down them in a notebook or we bring on a virtual board. In the same way our computer cannot store on the disk of one hundred gigabytes of video, photos and music - them should be downloaded to such services, as Google Inc. Drive or LLC "YANDEKS". Disk.

We have continuous access to the data - on Internet, but physically they are on virtual servers of the relevant companies. Thus the user pays only for a place in storage, and it is much cheaper than rent of the whole server. Naturally, with Big Data "clouds" are simply necessary for work.


Is the word started entering Russian still in the late sixties when in the USSR there was the first supercomputer BESM-6, capable to carry out 1 million operations per second.

It is a question of the computer considerably surpassing in technical parameters and speed of data processing ordinary personal computers. As a rule, it represents the whole system of high-performance computers. It is used for the solution of tasks in the most different areas of science and technologies: from development of atomic weapons before modeling of new drugs. The most powerful Russian supercomputers - "Lomonosov" and "Lomonosov-2" - are in Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University.

Internet of things

Is popular both the Russian option, and English - Internet of things, and also an abbreviation of Internet of things.

After computers and smartphones Network was connected by fitness trackers, teapots, washing machines, TVs, sensors and sensors. And still Internet of things is not light inclusion by means of trousers or remote descent of water in a toilet bowl via the smartphone. There is a mass of examples of introduction of technologies Internet of things in medicine, sports, agriculture, the industry. For example, BigBelly - a ballot box which warns employees of city services on garbage cleaning that its it is time to empty. The local network analyzes the data obtained from each ballot box that allows to plan the frequency of export of household waste.

B 1990 the graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of fathers protocols TCP/IP John Romki created a first-ever Internet thing. It connected the toaster to the Network. It is expected that in 2020 of Internet of things will unite more than 30 billion devices.

the Scientific Nauka 0%2B

will take place on October 6-8 the Nauka 0%2B festival in Moscow in a special issue "Kot Schrödinger" in more detail.
