power industry Russian Federation will discuss Digitalization in Moscow on October 4 and 5

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Digitalization of power industry of Russia will discuss in Moscow on October 4 and 5
in Moscow will take place on October 4 and 5 the second branch conference "Digital Transformation of Power Industry Russian Federation". Within conference experts of branch will discuss digitalization national economy as an independent factor of productions, allowing to influence its efficiency, labor productivity, reliability and safety power supply.

Participants of conference will make an attempt to synchronize understanding of the purposes and problems of the forthcoming work on digitalizations power industry, and also will draw up plans for creation and approbation of branch products and the decisions created in a paradigm of new technological way. At total plenary session during discussion heads Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, other ministries and the departments which are responsible for implementation of the <15> Digital economy program, representatives of the technological companies and development institutes, and also other participants of the Russian power week will express to

the opinion.

the Digital Transformation of Power Industry <8> Russia Conference will continue semantic work of the last year's conference "The Industrial Internet for Power" by results of which work the resolution supporting the initiative Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on initiations of the national project in the field of power industry was adopted. In the total resolution participants of last year's conference recognized need of creation of a uniform platform in the form of a branch platform the Industrial Internet, and also uniform information, methodological and administrative space for development of digitalizations branches.

Organizers of conference act Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy) and NAPI (NAPI).

Official partners of conference of 2017 became: one of the largest in Russian Federation and Europe telecommunication companies PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM"; versatile industrial holding JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROTEK", carrying out service of gas and steam turbines and other hi-tech projects in the industry; the international electrotechnical holding "Tavrida Electric", delivering production to 80 countries of the world; JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LABORATORY KASPERSKOGO" - the international company, information security working in the sphere since 1997; Company "Infoteks" - the leading domestic developer and the producer of hi-tech program and hardware-software means of protection of information.