In France will oblige to warn about photoshop use
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in France came Not so long ago into force the law which forbids to employ on displays and shootings of too thin models. The other day the authorities of the country entered a new measure for fight against anorexia. Now any commercial photo which has undergone a retouch, has to be accompanied by the special prevention similar to that is written on packs on October sigaret.
  • S 1 in France entered the law according to which all photos which were exposed to a retouch, have to be accompanied by a mark about it

the Government of France takes all new measures within fight against extreme leanness in the fashion-industry. Since October 1 on any shot from an advertizing campaign, which processed in a photoshop, has to be an inscription: "The retouched photo". it is supposed that now the French girls any more will is hypochondriac to compare itself to photographing of models, earning new complexes.

threatens Violators a penalty: or 37 500 euros (2,3 million rub) or they will have to pay 30% of cost of creation of the advertizing. The authorities of France are sure that thereby they will change the relation of girls and young people to the body. The Minister of Health Marisol Touraine considers that at domination of too thin models at other representatives of the weaker sex the inferiority complex develops that, in turn, can provoke anorexia, bulimia and other food dependences.