Fashion: "Photographie retouchee": France decided to put an end to deception from covers of magazines

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France obliged to specify
France obliged to specify in advertizing if appearance of model was changed in the graphic editor.
Not a secret that photos of models and celebrities often (or nearly always) are retouched, to look growing thin in a waist, more roundish in other parts of a body, with it often extend feet, delete all defects of skin and do eyes more. Now, since October 1 to France each photo which underwent changes, has to be accompanied by a special inscription, like that it is possible to see on packs of cigarettes.

By means of graphic editors it is possible to achieve striking changes in appearance of model.

by means of graphic editors can achieve striking changes in appearance of model.
Now each photo in magazines, newspapers or Internet editions France has to explain

accurately, whether the represented models of a retouch were exposed or not. In those photos which were changed, now there will be a sign "Photographie retouchee" that the retouched photo means ". " Any company which will decide to violate this rule, will be fined the sum from €37 500 or for 30% of the cost of creation of advertizing.

Photos with celebrities and models regularly are exposed to processing.

with celebrities and models regularly are exposed to processing.

the Reason of similar innovations lies that the state is outright concerned by the general health of society. Besides the numerous scandals connected with models, sick the problem among girls and the women, seeking to correspond imposed by standards and consciously leading up to extremely thin look exists anorexia, to France also. "Showing to young people unreal images of bodies and positioning them as appearance standards, we thereby violently damage their feeling of advantage that health is reflected on their physical," — the Minister of Health France Marisol Touraine makes comments on a situation.
France obliged to specify

France obliged to specify if appearance of model in the photo was retouched.

Actually France is not the pioneer in the similar decision: in Israel such rules are already accepted some time ago. Reason for change of rules to France became substantial increase of attention to a body weight subject. In all country about 600 000 cases at young people of violation of food behavior are registered. Generally it is connected with extreme leanness. The writer Gabriel Deydye even wrote the whole book about this phenomenon. She tells that to France to be full it is considered not simply shameful, it turned into almost crime. So, once her dismissed from school that its full constitution was a bad example for pupils, and at employment the manager shocked it, having reported categorically that it "all the known fact," as if the is larger than people, the it is less than his IQ.

In France faced a serious problem of anorexia among teenagers.
To France faced br a serious problem of anorexia among teenagers.

Not all agree that similar changes somehow will affect the general state of health of the nation, but, anyway, experts consider that to change opinion that is "normal" and that "is unreal," for a long time it is time. "We support all ways to push society to more healthy perception of a human body — the British journalist Tyyulip Mazumdar speaks. — And already it is hard to say according to the photo, whether it was retouched or not. So movement relieving models and society as a whole of pressure it is possible to be as growing thin, it is excellent idea. "

For today more than 90% of the photos getting on advertizing signs and to magazines are exposed to retouching.
to retouching are exposed For today to br of more than 90% of the photos getting on advertizing signs and to magazines.

of Joan Kilburn, the writer and the activist, so makes comments on the present decision of the authorities: "Advertizing sells not only products and things. Advertizing sells values, image, it sells a concept of love and sexuality, success, and, probably, the most important, concept of that is normal and accepted. Sometimes advertizing simply specifies to us who we are and whom we have to be. "

Almost each photo of model or celebrity is exposed to a retouch before the publication.

Almost each photo of model or a celebrity is exposed to a retouch before the publication.

On road to this decision were accepted as well other changes. For example, since May of this year of model are obliged to appear regularly at the doctor that that found out, whether enough they are healthy. Some leading companies in the fashion world officially refused services the models having anorexia.

The authorities of France believe that similar changes will help to get rid of the imposed standard of extreme leanness as normal appearance.

of the Power France believe that similar changes will help to get rid of the imposed standard of extreme leanness as normal appearance.

As soon as the new law came into force, the most powerful stokovy agency of images of Getty Images also forbade to use for commercial purposes the retouched photos with models. Also it is an excellent sign of that similar decisions can affect not only small group of people, and affect much more population as France, and the world as a whole.

Each photo in which appearance of model was changed, now in France will be accompanied by the corresponding inscription.

Each photo in which appearance of model was changed, now to France will be accompanied by the corresponding inscription.

At the same time on other end of the world, in America, also try to solve problems with norms of perception of the correct constitution somehow. Recently there let out special a bodipozitivny calendar with girls plus-sayz .

On the materials

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