The deputy director of the Voronezh Fund of overhaul avoided punishment

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Korobkov Vadim obliged to pay 40 thousand of penalty in the state income.

the Lenin regional stopped business of the being deputy director of the Voronezh Fund of overhaul Korobkov Vadim. broadcasting company "Voronezh" reported to the correspondent about it in . Korobkov Vadim judged for abuses of powers of office – the help to firm of acquaintances in obtaining on repair of houses. The official so broke interests of other participants and worked contrary to interests of service and the law. As Korobkov Vadim committed a crime of small weight and completely admitted guilt in a crime, found it possible to stop criminal case and to appoint to it a penalty of 40 thousand rubles.

As were established by , Korobkov Vadim held a position of the deputy director of the Voronezh Fund of overhaul at the end of 2013, soon after emergence of the organization founded by DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES AND POWER INDUSTRY OF THE VORONEZH REGION. On a position it was obliged to provide implementation of regional programs of reforming of Household management company, target and effective use of property, including money, to control the organization of works .

As reported earlier in SKR SU on the region, in November, 2015 Korobkov Vadim helped firm with which his spouse cooperated. It provided advantage of the organization participating in on the right of repair of apartment houses in Voronezh. Having violated the law, he as the chairman persuaded to refuse a contest committee to other participant and to allow to the only applicant firm. By results of the held with firm – "winner" signed for the sum more than 6,6 million rubles.

Matter in the relation for malfeasance against Korobkov Vadim excited in July, 2016. On a consequence and in Korobkov Vadim completely admitted the guilt. In it declared the petition for the termination of criminal case and purpose of a measure of criminal procedure character in the form of a penalty. The defender supported the petition Korobkov Vadim. The prosecutor objected to the termination of criminal case. Making the decision, considered positive characteristics Korobkov Vadim, existence at it the small child and permanent job. As a result Korobkov Vadim avoided criminal penalty for malfeasance.

thus Lenin regional Korobkov Vadim, other deputy director of the Voronezh Fund of overhaul Goltsov Mikhail continue to consider case of the colleague. Investigators of SKR detained him in December, 2015 when receiving a bribe in a large size. The official judge for four episodes of bribes and excess of powers of office.

As were established by investigators, Goltsov Mikhail, using official positions, helped friends builders to win competitions and to receive . It took bribes in gratitude – inherently, kickbacks, and received official messages of thanks in other ways. So builders at own expense made Goltsov Mikhail a fence at dacha and repair in the apartment. Unlike Korobkov Vadim Goltsov Mikhail refused flatly to recognize in fault that received kickbacks for . For corruption crimes Goltsov Mikhail threatens from 7 to 12 years of imprisonment.