Million contention and mentally ill people: volunteers told about searches of the five-year-old girl in Kalach

@IA "Volga-Kaspij"
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Million contention and mentally ill people: volunteers told about searches of the five-year-old girl in the Kalatch of a photo:

Volunteers of the search organization "Saviour 34" told information agency "Volga-Kaspy" to Volgograd region.

As are reported by information agency "Volga-Kaspy" since the body of the girl was found in economic construction, close to garage boxing on September 22, volunteers did not perform search operations. Much need time to recover and restore forces: people did not sleep within six days.

- Main on all volunteers was the ataman Andrey Makhin , - the head of search and rescue group "Spas34" of BPMOO "Stalingrad character" Dergacheva Natalia remembers. - Settled down in a staff of Cossacks on Oktyabrskaya Street. Food cooked in a monastery and to make toilet, to us allowed to use hotel. I managed to make it few times. To us all information which we checked was flown down. Versions registered, some after check got to the column "hearings". We gave all this to police. We still have no information that was the truth, what versions are fulfilled.

the Part of time was lost by

in vain: so, once volunteers together with police officers stayed four hours on garage from which as it seemed to some locals, there was a putrid smell. It appeared that it was the faulty gas equipment.

Million contention

during searches of the child declared official information: for authentic data the governor promised to pay one million rubles.

- After that turmoil began

, - Dergacheva Natalia told. - to us one person started calling and reported that the girl is live and it is necessary to hurry. The man opened some garages, and we fulfilled them. After that call volunteers started running as wanted to rescue the child. At this time kalachevsky teenagers shouted to us that we try for one million.

then information concealment began

A. Many participants of searches simply ceased to report the facts. Later time searchers managed to restore trust of the public.

the District map which searchers

Mad and children's toys

by words Dergacheva Natalia used

, they also observed suspicious people. In the field of their sight there were 18 maniacs and 36 inadequate people. Some tried to play with volunteers - threw up things and toys.

- We called it "game in a quest". One young man from Kalach threw children's toys in garage. And when we asked, why it everything does it, he told that wanted to look as we run and we look for.

the Garage of fear and "a red square"

At many inhabitants during investigation of loss of the girl and after a tragic outcome arose quite natural question: the garage of the detained neighbor is nearby. Why in a week anybody did not glance in a hozpostroyka at it?

- In the first days we fulfilled this square regarding accident, - explained a search engine. - When we understood that it not accident and the girl herself far could not leave, started working in other directions.

After that Andrey Makhin made the decision to draw so-called "a red square" into which anybody could not come. Searchers did not lose hope that the malefactor will release the girl. However in the territory still there were many people. Therefore the decision to enter it at night was made.

It is known that it did not bring results. The moment when found the child, Dergacheva Natalia did not find. She was told a bit later and asked to take away volunteers and to free the square. Andrey Makhin exposed a cordon from Cossacks.

of Missile defense of the suspect of murder volunteers remember that he drank all the time, and they practically did not see it. It was in the apartment, and during survey refused to let in searchers.

It is reminded, the five-year-old child was gone on September 15. The girl did not return from the playground located literally in 50 meters from her house. On this fact criminal murder under article juvenile was excited, and its investigation was taken on special .

Daily in search actions took part to 500 people – police officers, Cossacks, volunteers, the military personnel, Rogsvardiya's representatives. Kvadrokopter, thermal imagers, motorcycles and paraplanes were involved in searches.

the local pensioner helped to Find a body of the girl as a result. It explained that often saw the suspect with the gone child, and also noted that that sharply disappeared after the beginning of search actions.

the Man was sure by

that the suspect took out the girl out of region limits. These important data helped field investigators to contact subsequently the 55-year-old man. The detained unemployed was earlier repeatedly judged, and abused alcohol. the Man already gave confession.

Aleksandrova Alena

Andrey Makhin
Last position: Deputy of the Duma of the city of Kostroma
Dergacheva Natalia
Aleksandrova Alena