Principled stand
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Seemingly ordinary question − adjustment budgets. All plans, as we know, are corrected, adjusted, balanced. Sounded by the head of regional financial management Kovaleva Lilia offers on distribution of financial means on concrete articles to specific state funded organizations, as a whole were understood and accepted. Except one: allocations of seven hundred thousand rubles to the Novoselovsky Village Council on repayment claims according to the court order. According to the court decision final instance the Village Council is obliged to pay more than one million rubles of the construction organization which has begun in 2015, but not finished repair Kosmonavtov Street in the district. The construction lawsuit which has begun between Novoselovsky rural administration and Stroyresurs firm contractor, ended not in favor of the Village Council. Letters claims, expert opinions and even threats: all this, according to the lawyer of the Village Council explaining a situation Medvedeva Larissa , were present at difficult relationship of the parties. Judging by information Medvedeva Larissa , the contractor already at the first stages of works allowed violation of dates of performance contracts, and in October, 2015 at all unilaterally refused its execution. for "job" the firm did not get grant money and appealed to court with claim about collecting means for actually performed works. The spoiled roadbed with blocks of a skalnik difficult and now to designate the local road, but. . On a question of deputies of regional council of why on early terms of the conflict contract was not terminated, the answer that is long procedure sounded unconvincingly. As well as the reference that contacts and control behind repair are expensive − functionality absolutely other expert. − It turns out that all of you withdrew, − the deputy Andrey Gazenkampf ironically noticed, − wrote a claim and hid behind a fence... − the Principled stand of regional council, − his colleague, the chairman of the constant commission of regional council on budget, to a tax policy, small and average business Zlotnikov Sergei, − that we want to know who is guilty in the circumstances is convinced. Therefore as a whole we support adjustment, except for allocation of the sum called by the speaker on repayment by the Novoselovsky Village Council judicial claims. And who will return to budget money which can be spent for more important purposes? Meanwhile, by words nachfina Kovaleva Lilia , financing on repayment of judicial claims is provided in Ministry finance Krasnoyarsk Krai. Literally in October-November the necessary sum will be allocated to the area but not to increase creditor debt and not to create conditions for social tension, it is necessary to pay claim now. The decision to accept adjustment budgets was result of debate, having excluded from it the financial help to the Novoselovsky Village Council. With the amendment to return to this question after receipt of money from edge. − the court Decision it is necessary to eat, execute it, − Kovaleva Lilia is sure. − I consider that money should be allocated, and then to find out that - why. But the regional council of deputies − is body which has the full right to distribute means budgets, deputies are competent to make such decisions. The Village Council now should optimize quickly the budget, to reduce operating costs, to dig up resources for repayment claims according to the court order. − the Situation, to put it mildly, not really good, − states the head of the area Gergart Alexander, − considering that now we have a Village Council without head. To make active own income, to optimize expenses − it is the only thing to do. One of risks and undesirable consequences of a non-payment − blackout, street lighting, and it is quite possible if all means budgets the Village Council leave on repayment claims, and on the current payments money is banal will not suffice. − So sharp decision of deputies, − the chairman of regional council Tolstikova Ludmila, − tells a consequence of inconsistency or, in a bigger measure, dissociation of participants of the budgetary process. If deputies in July knew about claim shown to the Village Council if did not present us with a fait accompli that money are necessary now, today... Believe, around enough problems and the directions where means are urgently necessary. In total it is impossible to know, and to study or ask council it should not be a shame. Would consult in due time, in 2015 with specialists of service of the customer which is engaged in competitive purchases, auctions, auctions − you look, and contract correctly would make, and mistakes for which it is necessary to pay today, avoided.

Dolotova Natalia

Alexander Gergart
Main activity:Official
Kovaleva Lilia
Medvedeva Larissa
Gazenkampf Andrey
Zlotnikov Sergei