Red sewer drains in Central Akhtuba - norm
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Red sewer drains in Central Akhtuba - norm
the Photo from archive. © to city website ""

to city website "" continues to receive answers to the inquiries. We already wrote ( in more detail... ) that the nature protection prosecutor's office took samples on the analysis of dumped waste in ponds stores in 5 kilometers from Volga ( in more detail... ). Today, with violation of terms, the answer from Administration Gorodskoye genitive settlements. Central Akhtuba. As appears from the letter text, dumped liquids - household sewage. Moreover, in administration of the settlement insist that industrial wastes in it are not present.

it is interesting to

Under Volga chemical waste pours out on the earth?, what it gains poisonous-red color? Or someone can here dissembles?

concerning violation of terms of making the answer to city website "" it intends to address in regional prosecutor's office.

Red liquid - sewer drains, consider in Central Akhtuba

It is remarkable that time for the answer also ended and at Oblkompriroda.