The "Landscapes and Still Lifes on a Sea Subject" exhibition will open in Vladivostok

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"Landscapes and Still Lifes on a Sea Subject" Exhibition will open in Vladivostok. Photo: Seaside art gallery
the Starting point of the project two still lifes with fishes Borisov Leonid and Kryuchkov Kirill served

on September 28, regional news agency "PrimaMedia". the Exhibition Borisov Leonid and Kryuchkov Kirill "Landscapes and still lifes on a sea subject" will open on September 29 in Seaside art gallery within the Vladivostok international biennial of visual arts (VIBVA), reports news agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia".

"As a starting point of the project two still lifes with fishes Borisov Leonid (1987) and Kryuchkov Kirill (2014) served. I reflected, what divides these artists? First, distance – the opposite ends of the country. Secondly, geography – the West – the East. Thirdly, generations – nonconformists and Post-Soviet. And what unites? One country, two port cities – Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok, the general cultural tradition, and, the main thing, commitment to ideas of abstractionism and wide use of associative arrays.

Within an exhibition I try to compare creative methods of realization of art ideas of these authors." The sea subject" is caused by the general concept of the Vladivostok international biennial of visual arts and its subject "Port Morphology". It is known that port — one of the most sign and symbolically difficult elements of culture. On the one hand, the port belongs to the city, with another — to the whole world. Vladivostok from the moment of the basis is historically connected as with Europe, and with Asia. Problem of a biennial to emphasize in it one more side — modern culture and art" — the curator of an exhibition Borisova Paulina commented.

Let's note, this year the biennial distinguishes a variety of programs: main, educational, parallel and special programs. Within each of them cultural projects, among which art exhibitions, photos, installations, street art, and also open lectures and seminars, creative meetings and round tables with representatives State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky museum of contemporary art" will be realized.

The curator of the main program — the deputy director on exhibition activity of the First state Museum of Modern Art (Shanghai, China) Lipin Syan which supervised a biennial in Singapore and Shanghai. Its project under the name "Rules of the game" is urged to show lines of modern society, considering emergence of new ideas and , allowing separately taken person to change a vector of development of society.

Within a biennial Ilya and Aemilia Kabakov' works, Abramovich Marina and Ulaya, Zhang of Yu, Kiseleva Olga are presented, to Bu Driheng, Makeeva Eugenia, Drobnokhod Sergei, Bessmertny Konstantin, Lamzina Maria, Rolf Gobits and many others.

Biennial for the city — not only a reason for esthetic experiences, but also opportunity to reflect, state the point of view and to discuss uniqueness of inhabitants of port cities, their image and tenor of life.

"Landscapes and Still Lifes on a Sea Subject" Exhibition will open on Friday, September 29, in Seaside state art gallery to the address: Partizansky Ave, 12. The exhibition will last till October 20. we Will remind

, in Primorsky territory active work on development and promoting of culture is continued and events for inhabitants in all cities and regions of edge are held.