The most important question

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A you registered the volunteer?

Two bikers from regional office of a motor club "Night wolves" are accepted by

in volunteer assistants of the State traffic inspectorate.

as freelance employees they together with police officers patrol the city. And in free time from watch watch a situation on roads.

— And already there are results. With assistance of our children the drug dealer and two drunk drivers are detained — the chairman of regional office of a motor club Kalalb Valery at meeting of public council told at Administration office of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Tyumen region.

At meeting which took place in Tuesday in regional police department, discussed efficiency of participation of citizens in the organization of protection of a public order.

the Assistant to the chairman of City Duma of V convocation of Tyumen Putiltsev Sergei told that more than 13 million rubles were allocated for activity of city teams and the Cossack groups this year from .

the Head of department of the organization of a public order and interaction with executive authorities and local governments the colonel Shundrik Vitaly in turn reported on

: since the beginning of year with participation of representatives of voluntary national teams in the region 17 crimes are solved and more than two thousand administrative offenses are stopped. Cossacks took part in registration more than three thousand administrative materials and helped law enforcement officers to detain 14 offenders.

As for Cossacks, the police trusts them independent patrol of places of a mass congestion of people. In the city, for example, it is the Gilevsky grove and Gagarin's park where horse patrols are on duty in the summer. And also Edinstva Square and the Consent where daily there are two pedestrian representatives of the Cossacks.

— And whether combatants without police officers can be on duty too? — the chairman of public council Petrushin Alexander took an interest.

according to the colonel Shundrik Vitaly, the 44th Federal law directly does not forbid it. However it is worth understanding that Cossacks are prepared for service. And ordinary combatants, among which half — women, quite another matter.

the Director of regional branch of the Moscow institute of public administration and the right Alexander Geyn supported

: it in Soviet period one only the form of combatants had a sobering effect on hooligans, and modern society, alas, is not ready to serious perception of combatants separately from police officers.

it is probable, combatants can change a situation. The more them will be, the there is a relation to DND more validly, members of public council assumed.

— Actually society needs people with red bandages — the chief of regional UMVD the major general Altynov Youri Petrovich told.

Needs their help and the police which has suffered because of optimization of the last years notable personnel losses. So the general stated readiness to give all support to the citizens who have expressed desire to rise in defense of a law and order. Petrushin Alexander suggested to support, first of all, students who on the basis of the higher education institutions too create teams. Let police officers will give for them classes and will help to prepare the statutory act in which their rights and a duty would be accurately stated. Altynov Youri Petrovich promised to organize such meeting.

And also responded on a request of members of public council Ilyin Jaroslaw and Kramarsky Andrey to pay special attention to the yards. Here where intervention of volunteers is just necessary! Who as not they, know all painful domestic points of the area: where most often misbehave and drink alcoholic drinks. Means, can make a route and together with district police officers to patrol it.

It was decided to perform at the beginning of the next warm season the quick and preventive operation "Yard". Till this time members of public council too have to prepare the list of nurseries and sports grounds which are used not for designated purpose.

Alexander Geyn
Last position: Professor of chair of algebra and fundamental informatics (FGAOU VO "URFU NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PREZIDENTA ROSSII B. N. YELTSINA", URAL FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA)
Altynov Youri Petrovich
Shundrik Vitaly
Petrushin Alexander
Kramarsky Andrey