Deputies Dubna: the head of City administration has to be without prefix of "deputy"

@Vesti Dubny
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At meeting of city council on September 21 deputies solved
: to approve Danilov Maxime as the acting as the head of City administration, and then to hold to destination it to this position.
of the Photo: Stupin Yegor Since September 1 of a duty of the head of administration Dubna executes

Danilov Maxime, remaining at the same time and on a post of the first deputy on Household management company and to transport. According to FZ-131 and with the city Charter, the statement of the acting as is under authority of Council of deputies therefore the matter was included in the agenda of the meeting which has taken place on September 21.


Submitting the draft decision, the chief of legal department of administration Bugrinov Sergei reminded the order written down in the Charter: if the head of City administration ahead of schedule leaves a post, he chooses the acting as from number the first deputies (in this case it is a question of the deputy on Household management company and to transport) for a period of up to carrying out . The chairman of the commission on economy and an industrial complex Sergei Dzyuba noticed that on joint enlarged meeting of the commissions "passed many-sided discussion, on the candidate of questions was not, and according to the formulation was".

the Representative Government of Moscow region Sadykov Timur explained

why the phrase about carrying out looks incorrect: "In 2016 the regional law established a new order of formation of local governments – in all city districts and municipal areas the Council of deputies, from among deputies – the mayor is elected, and he is the head of administration. Therefore competitions now are not held".

during long discussion part in which took deputies, representatives of City administration and city prosecutor's office, sounded that the candidate on this post of all suits Danilov Maxime

– the present format of management Dubna, dividing positions of the mayor and the head of administration, will work within at least two years is too big term in order that administration "deputy" directed;

– also it is too big term in order that the deputy head of administration in so difficult directions what Household management company are and transport, combined the work with any another;

– in two years when the term of office of present Council of deputies and the mayor will end, before summing up elections all local government will concentrate at the head of administration and as the prefix of "deputy" can make in a number of situations it illegitimate, the city risks completely to remain without the management;

– the new order of formation of local government (OZ-60 approved in 2016) in Dubna will come into force after the expiration of powers of operating branches of the power;

– while were not expired by these two years, the local government is headed by two persons, and the new head of administration has to be appointed by results is does not contradict the federal legislation.

as a result deputies almost unanimously (at one refrained) voted for initial decisions: Danilova , and also "for the announcement on replacement of a position of the head Administration of Dubna of the Moscow region to address to the governor Moscow region to Andrey Vorobyov with the offer to send from its party of members to a contest committee …"