Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Amur region agreed to cooperate

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Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Amur region agreed to cooperate. Photo: Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region
the Purpose of the signed agreement - protection of the rights and interests minor condemned the Birobidzhan educational colony (PHOTO)

on September 23, Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia. Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region, and also children's ombudsmen the Jewish autonomous and Amur region concluded the tripartite cooperation agreement. The act Federal Penitentiary Service Fomchenko Vitaly ratified the chief of territorial body, the Ombudsman for Children in Jewish Autonomous region Pinchuk Irina and her colleague from Amur region Tretyakova Natalia, reported EAOMedia in the press service of regional UFSIN.<"26>" to

"The agreement establishes the principles and forms of interaction of the parties for protection of the rights and interests of the condemned minor citizens serving sentence in establishment of regional criminal and executive system protected by the law – the Birobidzhan educational colony. Besides, a subject of the joint arrangement is the work organization in questions of support and development of educational, rehabilitation measures, improvements of conditions of serving of punishment in penal institution.

UFSIN EAO and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Priamurye agreed to cooperate

Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Amur region agreed to cooperate. Photo: Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region

"The Birobidzhan educational colony contains teenagers from different subjects Far East, including the Jewish autonomous and Amur region. Within the signed agreement information exchange, coordination and association of efforts in activities for providing guarantees of the state protection, introduction of suggestions for improvement of the legislation in the sphere of criminal and executive activity concerning minors condemned will be carried out — the chief of Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region Fomchenko Vitaly reported . — According to the arrangement on interaction on the facts of violations of the rights and interests of minors protected by the law condemned joint inspections will be carried out, to be developed concrete measures for the prevention of violations. In addition, the agreement provides the organization of joint information, scientific and practical and educational and methodical actions, and also individual work with teenagers. The agreement came into force from the moment of its signing, is concluded for an indefinite term".

Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Amur region agreed to cooperate. Photo: Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region

Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Amur region agreed to cooperate. Photo: Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region

Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region and children's ombudsmen of the Jewish autonomy and Amur region agreed to cooperate. Photo: Administration office Federal Penitentiary Service on Jewish Autonomous region


Having discussed ways of joint activity, ombudsmen visited the Birobidzhan educational colony accompanied by the chief of establishment Eduard Bastun. Human rights activists visited High comprehensive school, hostels, a dining room, have a talk with teachers, with chiefs of groups, with the condemned teenagers, examined conditions of serving of punishment of pupils of regime establishment" — is spoken in the message.

Vitaly Petrovich Fomchenko
Last position: Chief (Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Jewish autonomous district)
Irina Pinchuk
Last position: Representative (Ombudsman for Children in of the autonomous region Jewish)
Natalia Tretyakov
Last position: Head (Ombudsman for Children in of the Amur region)
Bastun Edouard