Vinaigrette of ministers

@Stolitsa S
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To Republic of Mordovia bureaucracy was reduced by 80 people


Chapter Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov made considerable changes to structure Regional Cabinet. As a result the government was reduced by 10%, and his some members lost portfolios. Under "reduction" also got a number of heads of regional departments. Meanwhile, according to the decision of the Head of the republic, the prime minister Republic of Mordovia remains Sushkov Vladimir, and the Minister of Economics Mazov Vladimir receives not only the status of the first Deputy Prime Minister, but also new powers – body headed by it "absorbed" the ministry trades and businesses. All changes in the official world of the region were coordinated on September 22 with deputies at regular session of State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia. As executive power of the region – in a material Razina Irina was transformed.

Cardinal change by Vladimir Volkov structures Government of the Republic of Mordovia became for many officials and deputies big surprise. "Time does not stand still — the Head of RM of the reason of such personnel reforms explained. – Before us there are more and more complex challenges. Their operational decision depends on how representatives of authorities" will act. Now to Republic of Mordovia instead of 30 ministries and departments remains 21. According to the decision Vladimir Volkov, the Ministry of Energy is abolished and tariff policy – it was included into structure of the new ministry of Household management company, power engineering specialists and civil protection of the population. Here functions of state housing Inspectorates are referred. The ministry trades and businesses merged with the Ministry of Economics. The Ministry of Social Security extended to the ministry of social protection, work and population employment, "having absorbed" the labor State Committee. Respublikansky archival service Republic of Mordovia was included into the updated Ministry of Culture, national policy, tourism and archiving. Abolished the State Committee on transport and state construction supervision were a part of the renamed ministry of construction, transports and road economy. Functions of Gostekhnadzor departed to the Ministry of Agriculture and the food. The State Committee for justice the registry office received the status of the ministry and power of the abolished republican Respublikansky service of record of acts Grazhdansky states Republic of Mordovia and price policy Republican service on tariffs which will be subordinated to the Ministry of Finance is created. "Other ministries and departments while are left without changes, but it does not mean that their structure stiffened" — Vladimir Volkov warned, having let know that news from this front still can arrive. "Executive authorities are reduced by 10% — added Chapter Republic of Mordovia. – It was given us not easy". As a result the status of the unemployed was received by 80 officials.

At the same session Vladimir Volkov suggested deputies to coordinate the candidate Sushkov Vladimir to a position of the prime minister of the region. "I understand volumes and scales of tasks which I should solve and the government — the candidate convinced parliamentarians. – There is an experience, knowledge, understanding of problems and huge desire to work in team of the Head of the republic". At deputies of objections was not – the vast majority they voted for Sushkov Vladimir. And only one objected. "Well, at us as always! Tradition: one – against! " — the speaker of State Assembly Chibirkin Vladimir sent "hello" to the unknown oppositionist. Then passed to the statement of Deputy Prime Ministers. Here did without serious shocks. The status of the First Deputy Prime Minister was kept by the Minister of Agriculture and the food Sidorov Vladimir. By the same level rose and Mazov Vladimir, heading now the updated Ministry of Economics, trades and businesses. As Deputy Prime Ministers safety supervising questions and fight against corruptions, and Lotvanova Galina, engaged in social policy will continue to work Komusov Gennady. At the same time Chadov Igor not simply kept the status of the Deputy Prime Minister, but also headed the reformed ministry of Household management company, power engineering specialists and civil protection of the population. In a rank of Deputy Prime Ministers the minister of the industry, science and new technologies Sedov Alexander, the minister of finance Simonov Aleksey, and also the head of the updated ministry of construction, transports and road economy Tsyganov Victor will continue to work the minister of target programs Merkushkin Aleksey.

At the same session deputies approved by

the new Commissioner for Human Rights to Republic of Mordovia. The 59-year-old deputy of the Saransk City Council Levin Valery Fedorovich became him. "Someone began the working career at plant or in agriculture, and Levin Valery Fedorovich to service in army worked as the loader of the Mordovian book publishing house" — Vladimir Volkov presented the candidate to people's deputies. Meanwhile the native of the ruzayevsky village Boldovo now in the status of the doctor of science works as the head of a chair of the constitutional and administrative law of Saransk branch THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ACADEMY AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, RANEPA, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ROSSIYSKAYA ACADEMY NARODNOGO ECONOMY I GOSUDARSTVENNOY SLUZHBY PRI PREZIDENTE ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII" and has a rank "the honored lawyer of RM". "It know people and as to work with them" — reasoned the choice Chapter Republic of Mordovia. Deputies did not begin to object, having voted for. Levin Valery Fedorovich at once took the oath, having promised "to protect the rights and freedoms of the person and the citizen", and received the certificate of the representative from hands Chibirkin Vladimir. Meanwhile, at session there was also a former ombudsman Yastrebtsev Youri, worked on this post two of possible five-year terms. "My potential and working capacity are not settled! I ask it to consider! " — the 67-year-old ex-representative addressed to Chapter Republic of Mordovia.