Morning with "The Amur truth": Konnor Sarah again in "Terminator", the world photographer and BAM Rida Dina

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the Tasty breakfast, news and vigorous music — here the main attributes of good morning which will help to wake up, receive finally a charge of cheerfulness and to be adjusted for new day. Today "Morning" about shootings of new continuation of "Terminator" and a discovery at treatment of tumors of a brain, also a riddle for motorists and a song of the handsome man Rida Dina.

Morning with

of Fotookhot. Author: Kuznetsov Pawel. Source: LLC "YANDEKS". Photos

of Sarr Konnor Sarah will return in new "Terminator"

Joyful news to admirers of "Terminator". In long-awaited, already the sixth continuation of the movie will return the actress Khemilton Linda. That that played Konnor Saru in the first two parts of the franchize: "Terminator" and "Terminator: Doomsday". Miller Tim, known according to the movie "Dedpul" becomes the director of an original dilogy. Kemeron James will act as the screenwriter of a picture. He considers that participation Konnor Sarah will provide gender equality in the fighter. "In fighters always there are 50-60-year-old men killing bad guys, but there is no example of the similar woman" — Kemeron James explained. New "Terminator" becomes the direct sequel of "Doomsday", but events while it is not known will develop in what time. But there will be something interesting it is exact. After all Miller Tim and Kemeron James work over the new trilogy in the company Goyer David, Charles Igli and Fridman Dzhosh. The extremely interesting group of people: Goyer David specializes on comics, Igli helped Kemeron James with series "Dark Angel", and Fridman Dzhosh — the founder of series "Terminator: Fight for the future".

Scientists from the Portsmouth university with the assistance of physicians Disconnected "armor" of a brain

developed model of shutdown of one of the main protective mechanisms of an organism — the gemato-entsefalichesky barrier supporting self-control of a brain, reports Medical Express. On the molecular structure the structure reminds blood and allows to get into tissues of a brain. According to the researchers, the new molecular structure is able to afford to disconnect "selectivity" of a gemato-entsefalichesky barrier and to begin directly. Shutdown of the protective mechanism will allow to facilitate treatment of tumors of a brain considerably. Through brain "armor" scientists study penetration techniques since 2007, however the first serious results managed to be received only ten years later after the beginning of researches.

the Photographer of year

the 19-year-old Muscovite Dudkina Alexander designated the photographer of year in which carries out EyeEm Festival %26 Awards 2017 photocommunity. The best it became among 100 finalists. The other day in Berlin declared winners.


to Only sent 590 000 works from more than 88 000 photographers from all over the world. It is 2,5 times more, than Sony World Photography Awards that does EyeEm Photography Awards by the largest photo contest in the world. Except the photographer of year, defined the best in five categories: "Architecture", "In The Open Air", "Newspaper photographer", "Portraitist" and "The street photographer". Here winners of steel of Adeolu Osibodu (20 years, State of Ogun, Nigeria), Pir Gig (30 years, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Mazur Ramin (30 years, Kishinev, Moldova), Kvong Deniz (37 years, Sydney, Australia), Juli Hrudova (29 years, Amsterdam, Netherlands).

Check itself: how many violators you see?

1. Violators are not present. All drivers act by Rules 4. Three violators

2. One violator 5. Four violators

3. Two violators 6. All


the Recipe: pumpkin wafers with cinnamon

Ingredients: of 4 eggs, 280 g of pumpkin puree, 150 g of sugar, 2 Art. of a flour, 2 h. l. baking powder, 1 h. l. vanilla sugar, on 1/3 h. l. ground cinnamon and carnation, 1,5 Art. of , 3/4 Art. of the kindled butter, sugar and ground cinnamon for topping.

Preparation. to sift and mix the Flour with remained dry ingredients. To separate yolks from proteins, together with pumpkin mashed potatoes and the kindled oil to add to dry ingredients and carefully to mix. To beat whites in strong foam and on a tablespoon, accurately mixing a spoon, to enter into dough. To heat a waffle iron, in the middle of each dredging to pour a little dough and to bake wafers to golden color. Tax on a table hot, having strewed with sugar mix with cinnamon. It is good to water with a caramel or chocolate top ping.

the Musical pause

Reed Dean — I Did My Way

79 years ago this day was born

. It was surprisingly handsome stately man, photo and telegenic, artistic, perfectly playing the guitar. Its songs were known worldwide, and women in the different countries went crazy from its wry smile, a sports figure and an improbable timbre of a voice. It became a legend still during lifetime.

Many times it visited the USSR and wanted to remain to live and even to get the apartment in Moscow. He loved the people of the USSR, and the people answered it with mutual love. The most favourite songs Rida Dina Read in the Country of Councils were "Hava nagila" and "Bella Chao". The singer always responded with admiration about Komsomol building of BAM and spent much time in tours on BAM settlements, having devoted many songs to this grandiose building. Here one of them.

Sources:,,,,,,, video hosting services "YouTube"

Konnor Sarah
Rida Dina
Kuznetsov Pawel
Khemilton Linda
Konnor Saru
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