Criminal case after disorders at Shopping Center Moscow is opened

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the Police brought criminal case about hooliganism after mass riots near Shopping Center Moscow in the capital Lyublino District. "In the evening on September 20 police officers stopped attempt of group disorderly conduct about shopping center on Tikhoretsk the boulevard. In territorial departments of police more than 90 people" are delivered, – quotes information agency "RIA Novosti" the message of a capital police central board. It is noted that on this fact case on the article of the Criminal Code "hooliganism" is opened. Besides, in Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Moscow disproved information published in a number of mass media on death of the person during disorders at shopping center on Tikhoretsk the boulevard. "The victim was delivered by the squad of ambulance in medical institution where it was given medical help. Now he offers explanations for police officers", – reported in police, having added that on this fact criminal case under the article "beating" is opened. As the president of Federation of migrants reported Commonwealth of Independent States Sharipov Karomat, after disorders more than 250 people remain detainees with Shopping Center Moscow. More exact data are not present as detainees are in different offices of police – Zhulebino, Kapotnya District and others. By words Sharipov Karomat, in some departments of police allegedly refuse to provide to federation information on detainees. So, still there is no exact information on destiny of the loader of the market which beating by security guards and became a reason for excitements. "According to Tajikistan he died, according to Russian Federation – transferred to the neurosurgical... I asked – let's come (into hospital, a comment. Look), relatives will tell, it it or not it. The Ministry of Internal Affairs forbade though the doctor says that it under the law is necessary and on medicine it is necessary", – Sharipov Karomat noted. According to him, Ministry internal affairs of Republic of Tajikistan were a source of information on death of the loader. Earlier the source in law enforcement agencies reported about about 250 migrants , participating in the household conflict about Shopping Center Moscow. On Wednesday in the Network there was video of disorders .