Akhmetov Serik was released

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Serik Akhmetov was released

of the Photo: today.kz.

the Former prime minister Kazakhstan Akhmetov Serik is released by

from a colony in the settlement Karabas Karaganda Region where he served sentence for corruption crimes.

In different years Akhmetov Serik held Akim's posts Karaganda Region, the Minister of Defence, the prime minister Kazakhstan.

"on September 21, 2017 the ex-head of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akhmetov Serik was released

"in connection with replacement of imprisonment by restriction", - transfers Sputnik Kazakhstan .

"Thank you all for attention. I will go home to have a rest", - told, Akhmetov Serik, leaving a colony.

concerning the former prime minister Kazakhstan Akhmetov Serik authorized on November 14, 2014 a measure of restraint "house arrest". From this point the ex-head of Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan became the person involved in high-profile criminal case. On a dock together with Akhmetov Serik then appeared 21 persons, among which civil servants of different level and businessmen Karaganda Region, accused of a number of corruption crimes.

In July, 2015 judicial proceedings on "Akhmetov's business" called journalists began


on December 10, 2015 the former prime minister Kazakhstan is sentenced by

to 10 years of a standard regime penal colony under the articles "Assignment Or Waste of Entrusted Someone Else's Property", "Illegal Participation in Business Activity", "Abuse of Powers of Office" and "Hindrance of Lawful Business Activity". The former head of the government in a colony of joint stock company 159-18 settlements Karabas Karaganda Region

In March, 2016 after consideration of the appeal complaint in Karaganda Region served sentence, reduced the term of serving of punishment to Akhmetov Serik till 8 years of a colony.

Damage to the state the established and the tenge which have made 2,5 billion, Akhmetov Serik compensated completely.

For a term of imprisonment in a colony all persons involved "were put by Akhmetova", also condemned to different imprisonment terms, were released. Among them former Akim Karaganda Region Abdishev Baurzhan and ex-Akim Karagandy Smagulov Meyram.

on January 11, 2017 from imprisonment places from Akhmetov Serik in system of criminal and corrective system the petition for reduction of term of unexpired part of punishment on the amnesty declared to the 25 anniversary of Independence Kazakhstan arrived.

"Abaysky regional under the chairmanship of the judge Mikhanova Gulnara satisfied with

the representation, to the condemned Akhmetov Serik the unexpired part of punishment is reduced by the one fourth part, that is for 1 year of 7 months and 11 days from the date of introduction in law action", - reported in January, 2017 in .