Alexei Kudrin suggests to give to Novokuznetsk a lot of money and powers
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the Center of strategic development Alexei Kudrin suggested to lift national economy due to developments 20 largest cities Russian Federation. Novokuznetsk among them.

of 20 largest cities Russian Federation can receive additional powers and money. In the future the countries, and the cities therefore, specialists of the Center consider will compete not, it is necessary to stake already today on development the large cities, writes website "News agency Rosbalt" .

two leading cities can join 20 more, but additional financing for this purpose is necessary. Today Moscow and Saint Petersburg make 27% of gross domestic product of the country.

Alexei Kudrin is sure by

: Russian Federation too it is necessary to develop the large cities which will be able to participate in world race. If not to take into account Moscow and Saint Petersburg, them 20: Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Perm, Ufa, Rostov, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Voronezh, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Novokuznetsk, Saratov, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Sochi.

the Center of strategic development suggests to give to these cities additional money and powers.

"This direction has to be among six major structural reforms the countries" — Alexei Kudrin considers.

But to differentiate powers — idea difficult. According to the head of TsSR, partially in the large centers labor and financial resources will flow, and the small cities will degrade . First of all, monotowns where and now investments do not correspond to return.

"But if we grow up some global centers if they are able to create a new product, we will tighten resources from world economy. As a result of around these centers large agglomerations will be formed, and new opportunities will extend and on other territories" — Alexei Kudrin is sure.

According to him, Russian Federation the separate state program with competitions and grants is necessary to


"Can be begun with experiment, and then to move further" — he added.

the President Institute of Economics goroda, IEG Kosareva Nadezhda agreed: only development the large cities can give a resource for developments the small. Now there is no place to take it simply.

by words Kosareva Nadezhda, the Russian million-plus cities not fully spend today the potential.

"In China 74% of gross domestic product create 43% of inhabitants of the large cities. To Russian Federation a difference between gross domestic product and number of inhabitants of megalopolises — only 3%. Generally — at the expense of Moscow" — the head of fund noticed.

the Essence of reforms which is offered by the Center of strategic development and Institute of Economics goroda, IEG, is reduced to three points: to create good conditions for life in the large cities, to increase interregional and long-distance mobility, to confer additional powers and sources of the income.

First of all, by words Kosareva Nadezhda, it is necessary to make amendments in Federal law of the Russian Federation of 6 October 2003 No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" and to return to the power cities which were selected by subjects: in town-planning, housing and other spheres.

to Transfer them taxes to property of the organizations that they were directly interested in development and growth of tax base. By words Kosareva Nadezhda, are a question of the sum of 315 billion rubles a year.

"The cumulative income of the cities in this case will increase by 17% while budgets of subjects which these now raise money, will be reduced only by 4%" — she noticed.

the Most account power will be creation of necessary infrastructure.

"Assume also private investments, but budget has to occupy here the leading role" — the head of fund considers. According to her, money from federal budgets have to arrive to the cities directly, passing regional level.

First of all to the government should change the current legislation, the president of the European club of experts of local government Markvart Emile


"The strong city — strong local government. In this sense Federal law of the Russian Federation of 6 October 2003 No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" tripped all country the serious. Borders of the cities are washed away, settlement self-government is destroyed, direct elections of heads of municipalities become exotic — they are carried out only by 27% of municipalities, subjects can take away to themselves any powers of local government without any reservations that it concerns only small and weak. Without change of this law development the cities to Russian Federation is improbable" — Markvart Emile is sure.

"The law "About Local Government" seriously slowed down development" — the deputy head of Administration of Yekaterinburg Kryukov Andrey agreed. According to him, with adoption of the document Yekaterinburg was necessary to give to the government powers on the ground and advertizing on level of the subject. As a result, the city lost about 1 billion rubles. Thus regional officials, by words Kryukov Andrey, could not adopt power and raise these money, and construction business stood waiting, without understanding that will be farther.

With taxes on property of the organizations too need to be more careful, considers the deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development Perm Noskov Pawel.

"In subjects tax base is distributed by

unevenly. It can develop so that provided municipalities become even richer, and the others will lose the last incentive to development" — it noticed.

Besides, according to the official, most often municipal budgets scarce. All additional income which they gain, is leveled at the next redistribution of the state subsidies. Thus, it is simple to earn by it not interestingly. "We analysed 21 projects in Perm territory. From 100% of taxes only 9% get to municipality" — the official illustrated.

According to him, instead of taxes the part of receipts in the regional budget from new investment projects would be property organizations more reasonable to return

to municipalities.

"Economic growth on three quarters depends on the large cities. And still on one quarter — from developments the small cities and their specialization. Too you should not forget about it" — the president of HP "NER" Mikhail Dmitriev noticed.