Investigation launched after Chinese man found dead at immigration detention centre

@The Independent
Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre, just outside the small village of Strathaven in Scotland PA Archive/PA Images

An investigation has been launched after a Chinese man was found dead at an immigration detention centre.

The body of the man was discovered at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre in Strathaven, South Lanarkshire, on Tuesday.

Officers from the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman will now begin investigating the circumstances surrounding his death.

A Home Office spokesman said: “We can confirm that a male Chinese national who was detained at Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre was found dead on 19 September.

“Our thoughts are with his loved ones at this very sad time.

“As is the case with any death in detention, the police have been informed and a full independent investigation will be conducted by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman.”

Dungavel has long been a political issue, with debates and protests staged regularly around the treatment of detainees and the length of some detentions.

Plans were announced last year to close the controversial centre at the end of 2017, with a short-term holding centre to be built in Paisley.

However, Renfrewshire Council's planning board rejected the application and the Home Office confirmed Dungavel will remain open.​

Press Association